Apr 20, 2008 10:57
I've realized that, lately, I've been using lj more and more to try and get my thoughts out. I think it's because I don't really have anyone to really talk to about things that are on my mind. Both my best friends are in school and planning their respective weddings this spring/summer. That cancels them out. My other friends up here? Well, they aren't the best people to discuss things with. I'm more worried about what everyone else is doing than what I'm doing. I don't really talk about myself in these posts. I just talk about things that annoy me with some of my nearest and dearest.
I'm going to be e-mailing Bob today to ask for a job this summer. It'll get me down there and it will be easier to look for a job. If he takes me back, I found a really good sublease right near Sara and Jake. I figure it's worth a shot, if only to get me down there.
My heart and my head are still really fighting each other. I'm scared that I'm going to listen to the wrong one. We talk, but there's a really big pink elephant in the room. It needs to be talked about, but I think neither of us want to bring it up. I almost brought it up last night, but I chickened out.
More later...