CHARACTER NAME: Alice F. Jones - former Confederate States of America
Backtagging: Of course, just smack me upside the head in case I forget
Threadhopping: Usually fine
Fourthwalling: If it's a fourthwall post
Offensive subjects: A majority are fine
Hugging this character: Go ahead. Depending on who it is, she might return it or push you away
Kissing this character: A family kiss like on the cheek is fine, but anything more she won't like.
Flirting with this character: Go for it. She'd probably just flirt back.
Fighting with this character: Have at.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Kick, punch, burn, whatever. Ask me for a serious injury.
Killing this character: Ask me first
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure, just let me know what's going on.
Warnings: This is a Confederate States of America. A warning in a of itself, really.
Anything you want to do over/under/beside/around/below/PREPOSITION Alice? Hit me up here~
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