Interview (RP for his_sarah_jane)

Sep 08, 2008 19:08

Mayor Oliver Queen had given a lot of interviews since the election. He really wasn't sure who this new journalist was, but he was sure that he could handle her. He was prepared for it ( Read more... )

sarah jane, rp

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his_sarah_jane September 10 2008, 03:26:39 UTC
The things her editor sent her on. This was supposed to be a vacation that Sarah was currently on. Touring America had sounded like the perfect way to forget about the Doctor and their travels. Sarah Jane should have known by now that life never worked out the way you wanted it too.

So she smiled politely as the secretary showed her in, same polite smile in place as she was introduced to Mayor Queen.

"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything important," she spoke a second later. "I'm Sarah Jane Smith, the journalist here on behalf of Metropolitan."


star_archer September 16 2008, 00:00:40 UTC
"Nothing that can't wait for a beautiful reporter like yourself," Ollie said, flashing her his trademark ladykiller grin.

"Oliver Queen, it is a pleasure to meet you." He gestured towards a chair. "Please, sit down. Take a load off."


his_sarah_jane September 16 2008, 00:24:18 UTC
It might have been a ladykiller grin that worked on most woman, but it had no such affect on Sarah Jane. She smirked a little, rolling her eyes as she sat.

Oh, it would figure that she would wind up talking to a chauvinistic man.

"Thank you, Mr Queen."


star_archer September 16 2008, 00:43:04 UTC
"Call me Ollie," he told her. "Can I get you anything? Or do you want to get right down to it." He smiled. "I'm sure you're on a tight deadline, I don't want to keep you."


his_sarah_jane September 16 2008, 00:54:20 UTC
"Ollie," she repeated with a small smile. "And certainly. I was travelling - holiday, you see. Perhaps I ought to be in a hurry but..."

But this was her vacation. And Sarah Jane was determined to do things her own way.


star_archer September 16 2008, 00:56:49 UTC
"Holiday, huh?" Ollie stroked his beard. "I hope you'll take part of it here. We've come a long way since the disaster last year. Plenty of attractions for the whole family!" He smiled, remembering. "Of course, road trips are always fun."


his_sarah_jane September 16 2008, 01:17:24 UTC
"Oh, you have no idea," Sarah answered slowly, glancing away for a moment so he wouldn't see the tears that sprung to her eyes.

She really did miss him. And here he was, even interfering with her work.

She sighed, pulling herself back together as quickly as possible. "Disaster?"


star_archer September 18 2008, 00:26:13 UTC
Ollie raised an eyebrow, but let it pass.

"About eighteen months ago, before I became mayor, a bunch of supervillains detonated bombs and destroyed about 1/3 of the city," he explained. "The previous administration's solution was to just wall off part of the city and ignore it. But now that I'm mayor, we've gotten that wall down, and I'm working to rebuild."

He smirked. "And of course, when I went through the old laws, I found that gay marriage wasn't prohibited at all here. Not only am I doing my part for social justice, it's helping improve tourism. Course, I have to deal with a few conservative wackos, but they aren't going to do anything nearly as serious as Doctor Light did, so we can handle them."


his_sarah_jane September 19 2008, 00:33:08 UTC
Had she honestly been away from Earth that long? All of this sounded foreign to her. No wonder Sarah's editor had wanted to meet with Oliver Queen while she passed through.

This was bloody mad.

"Oh, please, hold on a moment. What do you mean, Doctor Light? Explosion?"


star_archer September 20 2008, 01:33:04 UTC
"Doctor Light and Merlyn - two superheroes who have a grudge against Green Arrow," Ollie started, praying that if she was this out of touch she wouldn't realize he was talking about himself, "attacked the city last year. And they set off some bombs, nearly destroying the whole city. In the end, they just destroyed most of it."

He shook his head. "That was what made me go into politics, you know. This is my city, and nobody else was stepping up to try to fix things, those damn fa - the previous administration just shut everything down, concentrating on others. And I couldn't just sit by and watch everyone in my city suffer." He slammed his fist on the table.


his_sarah_jane September 20 2008, 17:18:34 UTC
Sarah couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. In some ways, he reminded her of the Brigadier, so intent on keeping his land and people safe. In other ways, she could hear the Doctor in him - taking on responsibilities without complaint.

It made her smile warmly at him. "I'm afraid I missed most of this. Too busy... travelling. To rather remote places."


star_archer September 25 2008, 00:52:47 UTC
Ollie smiled back at her, a genuine smile. "Remote places can be great," he told her. "You do need to get away from it all. Right after the disaster I took off myself. Needed some time. Had no contact with anyone until I came back to try to fix things here." He'd learned a lot in that training. "It was necessary, but coming back after is always hard."


his_sarah_jane September 27 2008, 18:12:58 UTC

Sarah's expression and tone indicated that he ought to keep talking.


star_archer October 7 2008, 01:55:46 UTC
Ollie shrugged. "People have a responsibility, to take care of others. Politicians forget that sometimes. Hell, even heroes do."

Not that Ollie was bitter about being yelled at about endorsing candidates or anything.


his_sarah_jane October 7 2008, 19:48:42 UTC
Sarah nodded, jolting down a few notes as he talked.

"Do you know many heroes, Mr Qu- I mean, Ollie?"


star_archer October 18 2008, 00:24:14 UTC
"Oh, Star City has its protectors," he said evasively. "Good people. That Black Canary is hot."


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