Dec 31, 2012 10:28
Year in review time, yes? Put simply, 2012 was the year I lost 50+ pounds, celebrated my sister's wedding, made some great new friends, said goodbye to 'Merlin', and rediscovered my love of Los Angeles. There are a lot of other meaningful memories contained within, but these are the things I think I'll remember most.
As for 2013, I think this is the year to start making some decisions. I've been coasting in many ways since arriving in Hawaii, and while it's been good for me so far I can't do it forever. How much longer do I want to stay here? What better job options might I find here? Do I want to go back to LA? If yes, when? In any case there's a lot to look forward to next year: trips to Vancouver (2!), Vegas, San Diego, and hopefully London. USC will open the next football season out here in September. NEW STAR TREK MOVIE. Going back to a 'normal' diet (finally omg).
So how about that 'Merlin' finale? Endless heart break jfc. :((( But at the same time it was a beautiful episode and Colin and Bradley did an incredible job. Knowing how the story always ends, I'm not sure I could have asked for anything more, and given how uneven the show has been in the past that's damn near a miracle. This was the first time I've had to say goodbye to canon since HP7 and I forgot how much it can hurt. Been a week and still not over it, sigh.
In happier news my Mom is coming to visit in a few weeks and we're going to Maui for the long weekend. Still haven't been over there so I can't wait. :)
Happy New Year my lovely flist! I wish all of you all the good things in 2013!! <3