Walk for Autism!!!
We are doing a walk for autism on June 7th so if you would like to make a donation to support autism awareness and research that would be totally awesome!
Heres the link to the page for donation:
http://www.walknowforautism.org/c.puIVL9MRJpE/b.3616953/siteapps/personalpage/ShowPage.aspx?c=puIVL9MRJpE&b=3616953&sid=agKJLYMDIfKPLVNvFmH Anyone who is interested in joining our team(For Noah D), go here and register yourself!:
http://www.walknowforautism.org/c.puIVL9MRJpE/b.3616953/siteapps/teampage/ShowPage.aspx?c=puIVL9MRJpE&b=3617011&teamid=2809114 Thanks guys!
EDITED: Fixed the links...if they dont work, just check myspace blog, they work from there!