What a week and a day!!!!

Jan 08, 2003 18:43

man... I have been working ALL WEEK for my mom because she got sick this week, and now is in Boise, ID until Friday and also next week the same days... FUN!
I have to go dry the whites that James did, and also take a nice long bath before I go to bed.... *sighs* I'm going to need it.
We also found out that someone that we knew at church died yesterday... I didn't cry, but it does hurt to find out that he's gone.
Don't you love it when you're so busy that you can't make it to church, well, I had two visitors AND a phone call asking how I'm doing and 'WE mISS YOU, PLEASE COmE TO CHURCH, I'LL COmE PICK YOU UP IF YOU WANT.' Ok, there is a story... ready???
This church turns down people that do something wrong to God's eyes...like... you know... doing it... well, James isn't in this truth like I am, and I haven't gone for almost 2 years, maybe 3. Well, mom works late and I'm stuck going and getting her while dad makes dinner OR he's bowling and it's after church time, that I can't go until mom's ready, and well, she's so tired, she doesn't want to go, and well... I can't go because it's almost over.
But also, every time that I call someone that I made friends with, I ask if we can go do something, and they ALWAYS say, "I'm sorry but I have to work" "I have plans" "I can't, I have to stay home and clean". Ok, why can't you take ONE DAmN HOUR OUT OF YOUR BUSY TImE TO GO EAT, OR GO DO SOmETHING???? This has happened EVERY TImE that I call... also, I plan a few parties for the little ones, and well, I planned one party, and EVERYONE HAD TImE to call and say YES they can or NO they can't... well, I went and got everything READY THE DAY BEFORE, and I hadn't heard from ANYONE, well... I call... NO ONE CAN mAKE IT... So I wasted money on this stuff. So I didn't plan again.
Anyways, they found out about James and they came by mom's work, and asked her about James and I... and guess what? mOm TOLD THEm OFF... she told them that she's busy with work she doesn't have time, I cried every day because no one will go do anything with me, or call me and ask to go do something.
They haven't asked mE what I have to say, but I WILL HAVE A WORD ABOUT IT! I'll tell you though... I am SICK and TIRED of WAITING for a guy to come in that church and LIKE me for WHO I Am outside and inside, and ask me out. Yes there are CUTE guys there at the church, but they look at me as a FRIEND, a sister mORE then a girlfriend, but they're a lot younger then me... plus, NO ONE there comes up and talks to me. I go up, and say 'Hi', they say 'hi', we hug, and then go back into talking to someone else... They won't talk to me... So I sit down alone, and well, I start writing a story because I can't sit there and listen to someone talking about the samething OVER and OVER and OVER again in the Bible. Yes I know that it's good, but you here the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER again.
Ok I'm done. I think this is the LONGEST that I wrote EVER! lol
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