May 01, 2013 07:17

RECOMMEND ME SHIT!I am in need of new things to keep me entertained. I still have quite a few shows/movies on my list to watch, but I always like having something new!

TV: I like shows that keep me entertained, because my attention span is a complete joke. I like thrillers or comedies. Shows that I'm watching/have watched include: The Office (US), Harper's Island, Supernatural, Skins, Misfits, Bad Guy.

Anime: I STARTED WATCHING NARUTO: SHIPPUDEN TWO SUMMERS AGO AND I'M STILL ONLY ON THE THIRD EPISODE. There's always a new anime that's catching my eye, but I usually always burn out. I'm currently rewatching/watching Inuyasha, Bleach, Naruto: Shippuden, Eureka 7, My Little Monster, Kimi Ni Todoke, Samurai Champloo There's a bunch more on my to watch list though!

Music: I can listen to most genre really, but I'm not a big country fan! I really like MGMT, Rolling Stones, Sticky Fingers, Block B, Alt-J, Kings of Leon, Nirvana, Sublime, I have a bunch more, but you can check my last.fm if you wish!

Books: I JUST LOVE BOOKS! I really enjoy Jeffrey Eugenides' books (Middlesex, The Virgin Suicides) but I also like reading memoirs. Some of my favorite books includes: The Book Thief***, Trainspotting***, Speed, Tweak, On the Road***, Glue I should probably give you the author's names, but I'm too lazy right now, but I'll update it soon!


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