Nov 08, 2004 20:04
so....Friday, I went to a party Hayley and Caleb had at their house, it was fun, but I was like 2 hrs late and I was really mad about that. We Watched IT! haha that movie is soo funny, its about a clown that kills little kids, if you didn't know ...I didn't watch the whole thing though. I got home at like 12:40 that night {or morning if you want} and I didn't go to bed untill around like 1:45 and I had to get up at 6:30 for this Conformation retreat all day saturday.......OH my gosh, it was crazzy we watched Star Wars for 4 hours! How dumb is that? We were soppose to be learning about conformation, and we learn about Star Wars. The only thing me and everyone else got ANYTHHING out of was the talk my sister Jess gave. IT was really good. I had fun hanging out with the people there, and I met some new kids on the block so that was kewl.
A couple times we had free time and during one of the free times Ryan and I were talking about the piano and he was like "well there is one in here, why don't we play it!" So we started playing the piano for eachother and I played white houses by Carlton, and he was amzed that I figured that out by ear. haha it was funny.
After the retreat my parents,Juliah and I had dinner with this one family thats a little on the odd side. hahaha and we played APPLES TO APPLES. hahha the name is really weird, but the game is actually fun.
On Sunday, I skipped conformation class cause they weren't talking about anything important, and I had a speech to write for Monday. So I wrote that, and then I had to go early to 180 because I was on Tech Crew. But I was soppose to get there at 4:45 but I said 'NO! I'M NOT GOING TO BE THAT EARLY BECAUSE I NEVER HAEV ANYTHING TO DO" so I got there at 5:30, and Kenny and Zach were there so that was kewl, i got to talk to them for a littl while.
The rest of the night my cowboy hat was constantly being taken from me, people would always put it on their head and like run off. I didn't really care though, unless the person had a big head, and they tried squeezing it on there, because then that would stretch the hat out...haha
The talk was fine, I guess. nothing Ididnt know..the topic was SEX-ED! EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW! haha yeah..great stuff
Then I came home AND MICROSOFT WORD wasn't working so i couldn't type out my paper for speech which was today.....
This morning I had French then speech class, and Hayley told me about her life before class started...i love it when people do that...haha I love that girl.....
Then after speech I finished my algebra and had dinnner, and then maria helped me with some Algebra crap I didn't understand and now here I I have had stuff to do all day but its the kind of stuff like SCHOOOL thats really annoying and gets borring at wasn't to much fun........
BUT! I might be able to go to the game on Friday! I'm not for sure though yet because I guess my sister jess asked my mom if we wanted to go down to Indy and have dinner with her and Jeremy. sooooooooooooooooooooooooo that means I might not be able to go........ AHHHHH!!!!!!!whatever though....................i dunno
SO! yeah, it looks like i will be going...............sorry this was really boring..........