1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
"...access panels of his mind and pulling out all the components that have..."
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
I can touch my bed, but the way I am sitting, my arm points to my guitar.
3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
I have no idea. I haven't watched it in ages.
4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
8:30 ish.
5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
8:35. (I had glanced at it a little bit before starting this survey.)
6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
When I got off the bus yesterday. I was going home.
8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
My friends page.
9. What are you wearing?
My GIR doom song shirt, PJ pants, underwear, two rings, and a hair tie.
10. Did you dream last night?
I don't remember. Thankfully. My dreams have been rather disturbing as of late.
11. When did you last laugh?
Last night, when I was amusing myself greatly by saying things like, "I EAT BABIES SOMETIMES, BUT THEY GIVE ME GAS."
12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
A velvet painting of a jaguar.
A water bra.
A poster of a snow leopard.
A poster of a bunch of kittens.
A velvety fabric thing with a bunch of African animals on it, plus tigers. Tigers don't live in Africa.
Lots of necklaces.
A random painting.
A Five Iron Frenzy poster.
14. What do you think of this quiz?
It's keeping me busy.
15. What is the last film you saw?
The End of the Spear. I kinda feel like watching Back to the Future right now.
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
First, I'd pay off the house for my parents. Then I'd put away a bunch of money for college. And then I'd have to start buying guitar stuff... Lots of it.
17. Tell me something about you that I don't know:
I almost died yesterday. And by "almost died," I mean, "nearly passed out on Art's couch from dizziness and coughing." It felt like death.
18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Uh... I don't feel qualified to be making big decisions like that. Despite my good intentions, I would most certainly screw things up.
19. Do you like to dance?
Only when nobody's watching.
20. George Bush:
I'm tired of politics. Again.
21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Eh... I dunno right now. I don't have a favorite girl name at the moment like I usually do.
22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
I'm thinking Seamus, pronounced Shamus.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Depends on where abroad is.
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Whatever he needs to say to me. It's not my place to decide his words.
25. 4 people who must also do this in THEIR journal:
Anyone who wants to.
1. Made out for more than 3 minutes? Er... yes.
2. Slept in a different bed? I have slept in many different beds. But that's all I did.
3. Made out in a movie theatre? No. My parents have never let me to go the movies alone with a boy. And now, well... I just wouldn't do it.
4. Made out in the forest? Not in a forest... what's with the make out questions?
5. Thought your cousin was hot? Yes, but she's a girl, and we call each other "sexy" and "babe" all of the time.
6. Played truth or dare? Yeah.
7. Slept naked? On many occasions.
8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? No. The closest I've come to taking a shower with anybody is showering at the pool.
9. Gone over the speed limit? I can't drive.
10. Painted your room? I don't believe so.
11. Drove a car? No.
12. Danced in front of your mirror? The bathroom mirror, yes.
13. Gotten dumped? Eh... I associate that term with a cruel break-up. Never had any of those, but I have been broken up with.
14. Dumped someone? See above. I've broken up with someone, but it wasn't like, "I hate you! You are so dumped!" It's always been more like, "Geeze, this sucks and I don't really want to do it, but I have to."
15. Stole money from a friend? No.
16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? Probably? I've gotten in a car with someone I really didn't know well. But I never get rides from total strangers unless they know a friend of mine who trusts them and happens to be there at the time.
17. Been in a fist fight? Not a fist fight, but I did hurt a few people in elementary school. I had some crazy rage back then.
18. Snuck out of your house? Yeah. I don't do that anymore.
19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have feelings for you? Most definitely, but I've never told someone I had feelings for them if I didn't think they had them back. No sense in making things awkward.
20. Been arrested? I've been in a cop car, but never been arrested.
21. Made out with a stranger? No.
22. Left your house with out telling your parents? A few times.
23. Had a crush on your neighbor? Never. My only boy neighbors my age were, well... just Shane Butterfield. I kicked him in the nuts once. No, I don't do that anymore.
24. Ditched school to do something more fun? Only classes, but never a whole day. Actually, yes... I have feigned sickness before.
25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? Many times. It's not so fun when it's a small bed. And it gets kind of awkward with Karina.
26. Seen someone die? Nope.
27. Been on a plane? Of course. I've been to five European countries. I didn't walk there, you know.
28. Kissed a picture? Probably.
29. Slept in until 3? I think I've slept in until 2... but not 3.
30. Love someone or miss someone right now? Fredrick! He is way on the other side of the room! *runs to Fredrick, pulls him out of his case, then returns* Now I am not lonely!
31. Lain on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? I've lain on my back and looked at stars, but I don't think clouds.
32. Made a snow angel? Duh. It's a crime to live in Russia and never make a snow angel.
33. Played dress up? I used to all of the time at Athena's. I was her doll.
34. Cheated while playing a game? Um... probably, when I was younger. No instances come to mind, though.
35. Been lonely? Eveyone's lonely sometimes. But guitars are a miracle cure.
36. Fallen asleep at work/school? Fallen asleep at school on accident, in history and math class. The one time I tried to sleep at work, I couldn't. And one time I felt like passing out at work, so Aaron told me to go home early.
37. Been to a club? Nope.
38. Felt an earthquake? Yeah. That crazy one back in... whenever 6th grade was. The TV almost fell on Mr. Pinkley, and I saw the band room floor ripple. It was simultaneously awesome and frightening. But more awesome because I didn't think, "OH NOES EARTHQUAKE," until afterwards because it didn't register at first.
39. Touched a snake? Probably. I don't really remember.
40. Ran a red light? I can't drive.
41. Been suspended from school? Nope.
42. Had detention? I had it once, but I went to it twice. The first time I went, I didn't have it, and then the guy let me out, not because he knew I wasn't supposed to be in there (because he didn't know), but because I was able to give a good definition of "compassion." The second time, I had skipped science class on a half day. Karina skipped, too, but she didn't get detention for it.
43. Been in a car accident? I've been in a near-accident.
44. Hated the way you look? I have in the past, but I'm quite happy with my body and face now.
45. Witnessed a crime? Witnessed? I've been the victim! Got mugged in Russia.
46. Been lost? I am the official god of those who are directionally challenged.
47. Been to the opposite side of the country? Been to Virginia.
48. Been to another country? Five of 'em. Russia, the U.K., Holland, Estonia, and Finland. Only been in Holland and Finland overnight, but I've been to Holland a few times.
49. Cried yourself to sleep? No. It's too hard to fall asleep while crying. I get headaches.
50. Sang karaoke? Nope.
51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yeah...
52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? Nope.
53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Of course. It's not as fulfilling as one might think, though.
54. Kissed in the rain? I want to, but that's just gonna have to wait.
55. Sung in the shower? I've tried, and I just can't get into it.
56. Had a dream that you married someone? Yeah, I think so.
57. Glued your hand to something? Superglued my finger to a countertop on accident. It was a pain trying to pry it off. Then I had superglue stuck to my finger for a while.
58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? No way.
59. Ever gone to school partially naked? Nope. I have been partially naked at school, though, in the locker room.
60. Ever gone to school completely naked? o.O
61. Sat on a roof top? Mine.
62. Didn't take a shower for a week? When I was younger and didn't have such great hygiene. Ugh. xp
63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone? I don't really watch scary movies.
64. Played chicken? No.
65. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Never been pushed in at all. I've jumped in with clothes on, though.
66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Not quite like that, but I have had strange guys say, "Hey, beautiful," and, "Hey, sweetheart." It's unnerving.
67. Broken a bone? I'm surprised I haven't yet.
68. Been easily amused? Lack of sleep gives me the giggles at everything.
69. Laughed so hard you cried? Heh heh... plenty of times. I've also laughed and then started coughing up more lungs than I even have. That was Art's fault.
70. Cheated on a test? :-/ Once. I still regret it.
71. Forgotten someone's name? Yeah, but it doesn't happen all that often.
72. Blacked out from drinking? The most I've had to drink has been a few sips of wine. I think I might go for the wine this Passover, though.
73. Played a prank on someone? Eh... no. I'm not much of a prankster.
74. Gotten expelled? Nope.
76. Failed a class? I failed leadership. How sad is that?
77. Pretended to be scared? Dunno.
78. Stalked a crush? No. I may joke about stalking, but it's too much work to actually do.
79. Been stalked? Apparently, Art stalks me. But he can't see me in my room anyway.
80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? I always do.
81. Thrown strange objects? I threw a guitar pick at my cat. Got her right between the eyes.
82. Felt like killing someone? Yes... when I saw them touching Fredrick at Guitar Center. Grrrrrr.
83. Thought about running away? Never seriously.
84. Ran away? No.
85. Had detention and not attend it? No, but I did not have detention and attend it anyway. But I already talked about that.
86. Made parents cry? I've made them yell, but I don't think I've made them cry. Ooh... that would suck.
87. Cried over someone? Yeah; every boyfriend I've had.
88. Owned more than 5 sharpies? Nope.
89. Dated someone more than once? Heh. See two above.
90. Have dogs? I have cats. When grandma first moved in with us, we had her dog.
92. Been in a band? I've been in concert and pep band.
93. Drank 25 sodas in a day? Don't think so.
94. Broken a CD? I've gone so far as to microwave one. Then it borked because it was brittle.
95. Shot a gun? I've never even touched one.
96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours? I don't even know how anybody could possibly do that.
98. Have a major crush on someone? Yes.
99. Who? FREDRICK. He is my only love.
100. Wonder what people would say at your funeral? *shrug* Just so long as it's honest and not a bunch of, "Oh, she was the kindest person in the world," bull crap. If they feel I was kind, then good, but I don't want to be painted a saint unless I really deserve it, and I know I won't deserve it.
That took me an hour to do.
Anyway, I'm not at school today. My lungs have been in pretty bad shape and I've been coughing a lot, so I need a day to relax. Tomorrow isn't an option, because I have a staff in-service at work, and then I'm busin' it up to Queen Anne to chill with Karina and then go to a spaghetti dinner at Ballard High School.
I got my gig bag yesterday, so now I can bring Fredrick with me to school and other places. I'm happy about that.
Man... Fredrick is so pretty. Every time I look at him, I'm surprised. It's like, "Whuh? That's my guitar? Huh... that's perty."
I just realized that I have to get a check to the pool today. They're ordering lifeguard hoodies, and I wrote my name down to get one, but they need payment today. I'll just have my mom write them a check and then pay her back, 'cause I really shouldn't be going anywhere. The most strenuous activity I'm allowing myself to do is play Fredrick, though I probably should limit that. He puts weight and stress on my chest if I'm not careful.
I ♥ my Fredrick.
I think I'm gonna delete all of my icons and get new ones.