Thanksgiving Day 05
Wilfred Jenkins
Dear Wilf:
Sorry to drag you out in public like this again. With any luck this
will be the last time. At least I'm reasonably sure (God willing)
that this will be the last subject. This letter is going to be
posted to the Yahoo Cerebus newsgroup in the section devoted to
Policy/Cerebus Legacy which is being overseen by Jeff Tundis of
Rhode Island, a long-time Cerebus reader so that my wishes with the
Cerebus intellectual property, Archive and so on are followed after
my death.
(Jeff, the subject heading is "Last Will and Testament and Powers of
Attorney for Property and Personal Care" and just to bring you and
the others up to speed, this has to do with what happens to me if
I'm incapacitated in some way and I'm no longer able to govern my
own affairs.)
The "Last Will and Testament" part is easy. Everything I own is
already considered by me to be the property of Aardvark-Vanaheim,
Inc. and will become part of the Cerebus Archive when I'm dead. I
don't own that much and all of it is here at the house, so that's
very straightforward. It will be up to Gerhard as the sole
surviving Aardvark-Vanaheim partner to decide what to do with my
personal property, my Manulife stock, my bank accounts, my RRSP and
the life insurance that I'm carrying. Throw it away, give it to
charity, store it as part of the Archive, sell it and buy a bigger
sailboat. It's his call. It's just stuff. I would hope that he
would consult with the Yahoos on it but as the sole owner of
Aardvark-Vanaheim the decision is his alone. If he wants to set up a
Cerebus Foundation that would be both fine by me and up to him, but
I'm not going tie his hands. If I die, my best guess is that he's
going to be up to his eyeballs in unforeseen problems and the last
thing I want to do is to provide more for him.
"Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care" is a good deal
more complicated, involving as it does varying levels of incapacity
and the legal designation of incapacity in a Marxist-feminist
society like Canada which-Humpty-Dumpty-like-tends to mean whatever
it is the Marxist-feminists want it to mean on a case-by-case basis.
So let's go through the different strata of complications, starting
with the easiest and moving to the more complicated:
1) If I'm hit by that bus that everyone keeps cheering for and I'm
in a coma, from my standpoint it's roughly as straightforward as
the "Last Will and Testament". I don't believe in accidents. My
personal inclination is that if I got hit by a bus, I got hit by a
bus for a reason and that if I'm unable to feed myself I should just
be left to die.
(I have, to say the least, no great attachment to this world as
constituted so the sooner I "go bye-bye" as far as I'm concerned the
better. No offence against the world, but it is the one area where
I am in complete agreement with the Marxist-feminists: the sooner
Dave Sim is dead the better for all concerned. I am morally and
ethically opposed to suicide-I didn't give myself life so, to me, it
isn't my life to take away-but if I was hit by a bus I would put it
in the category of God trying to tell me something along the lines
of "you're fired" in which case I'd just as soon get to the Big
Sleep before Judgement Day as quickly as possible to find out how I
did overall. The Koran assures me that the Big Sleep will feel as
if I had been "out" for a day or part of a day so it is pretty much
a "shortest distance between two points" proposition and my
preferred "exit plan")
Unfortunately this is diametrically opposed to the law as
constituted. The medical profession is not allowed to let someone
die just because they're incapable of feeding themselves and God
doesn't, to say the least, enter into any medical decision-making
that I've seen in any way, shape or form. Essentially they will be
obligated to keep me technically alive with machines, basically
animating dead flesh. Medical science, responding to the core
atheistic fear of death, continues to make very simple things like
death needlessly complicated by raising technology-based questions
of medical ethics. i.e. If there exists a medical treatment that
can reanimate my corpse am I obligated to allow it because to not do
so would amount to committing suicide? Again, I've given my
personal answer. If I can't feed myself then just leave me to
starve to death. If I didn't plug myself in-and I can't conceive of
any situation where I would plug myself in-then I can't
see "unplugging" me as euthanasia: just basic common sense and
undoing what no one asked you to do. I'm already dead. Canadian
Marxist-feminist medical society will, of course, give its own
answer if or when the time comes. But, I do want to have my
personal answer out there for consideration. If I'm incapable of
getting to a store on my own to buy food and prepare it and eat it
and wash the dishes afterwards then, in my view, I'm dead already so
everything that happens outside of those parameters to keep me alive
would be contrary to my personal preferences.
2) This gets even more complicated when it comes to deciding
incapacity in a mental sense because here the groundwork has already
been-and is being-laid by Marxist-feminists to seize control of my
intellectual property. Let's say that I get hit by the bus and I'm
just a little, you know, confused for a couple of days or let's say
that I get hit by the bus and I'm lapsing in and out of a coma. Who
is going to be treating me? Marxist-feminists. What is the core of
the consensus-handful of exceptions duly noted-which has emerged
that Dave Sim is insane? He isn't a Marxist-feminist. In our
society-and, no, the United States is no different: hate to disabuse
you American Marxist-feminists of a core delusion-it is a given that
if you don't think that men and women are interchangeable then you
are clinically insane. If I'm clinically insane then I can't be
entrusted to govern my own affairs and they have to be taken over by
someone else. Someone else who, surprise surprise, is a Marxist-
Wilf, you informed me that if I don't specify who that someone else
is, then, by law, it is going to be my father. I would rather roll
around in broken glass and iodine than to have my father within a
country mile of either me or the Cerebus intellectual property.
Virtually everyone else I know-or have heard about with a few
notable exceptions-is a Marxist-feminist. So, that means that I am
up feces creek without a paddle for the most part, the Marxist-
feminist noose is closing, pick your own visual metaphor.
So, the best that I have been able to come up with is that anyone of
the Yahoos who is willing-in the event of my incapacity-to declare
themselves, publicly, here on the Internet to believe in the One God
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and to declare themselves not to
be feminists (that is, to declare publicly that they don't believe
men and women are equal and that-having followed my argument as
thoroughly as you all have-they agree and agree to agree publicly
that yes, the evidence supports Dave Sim, it doesn't support Oprah
Winfrey, that the Fourteen Impossible Things to Believe Before
Breakfast are indeed Impossible, not difficult or unlikely or
improbable: Impossible) will be given co-jurisdiction of What's Left
of Dave Sim and will be given one vote each in deciding what is to
be done with him and with his intellectual property in the event
that he has officially been declared to be Not All There but has not
officially been declared legally dead. Essentially, everyone making
the above declarations and who is a present or future member of the
Yahoos would, collectively, in the event of incapacity take over my
60% control of Aardvark-Vanaheim and control of medical decisions
governing my life as long as I exist in the borderland between life
and death. Legally, Gerhard, as the beneficiary of my estate is not
allowed to assume that role (for obvious reasons). They would be
required to register with you, Wilf, under their real names and with
all pertinent contact information so that they can be notified at
the moment of my entering into a state of incapacity either
voluntarily (i.e. an operation-very unlikely) or as the result of an
accident or "accident".
Let me say here that I think it will probably be a period of years
before anyone who agrees with me will actually work up the gumption
to declare so publicly but, for obvious reasons, I don't want any
Marxist-feminists calling the shots if I'm hovering in the
borderland between life and death so it seems more important to
create the structure in which the decision-making will take place
and to stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can so that by,
say, 2020 there might be 3 to 5 people who are willing to admit that
I'm right to whom I can entrust my affairs when I am unable to
conduct them myself. 35 to 40, well, hey, knock me over with a
feather, I couldn't be more surprised. The more the merrier as long
as they all believe in God and aren't feminists.
This then intrudes on other areas which include the fact that
medical care in Canada-as would come as no surprise to anyone with a
brain in his head (i.e. non-Canadians)-is not-so-gradually slipping
to Third Word levels because Canada is the only completely Marxist
medical system remaining on the planet and certainly the only one in
a G-8 country. Consequently what I would want to have specified is
that any treatment-or, rather, "treatment"-to which I am being
subjected should be relayed automatically to a second-medical-group
which will be advising the first group. Again, this will be
strictly voluntary. There are bound to be competent or less-
incompetent physicians who exist at Grand River Hospital and St.
Mary's Hospital here in town, but I have no way of knowing who they
are and owing to the inherent secretiveness and ass-covering of
those practicing Marxist medicine, I am just as likely to be
commended to the not-so-tender mercies of Abdul the Butcher as I am
to someone who knows which way the sutures go in and come back out.
So, I'm soliciting volunteers from the ranks of Cerebus readers to
be my on-line medical consultants, who will know who to contact at
Grand River Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital to keep practitioners
there from making any immediate egregious and irreparable errors in
my "treatment"-unless, of course, there is an emergency "hit by a
bus" situation in which case all bets are off in the near-term, but
there still might exist the potential of repairing whatever they've
done to me after competent medical help has been contacted
Essentially what the medical group will do is to explain to the
Believers in the God-fearing/Non-Feminists group what my treatment
consists of and what their own best advice is (i.e. "they're giving
him massive doses of steroids. I'd recommend that you cut that
completely or cut them down by at LEAST three-quarters"). As part
of my Power of Attorney agreement, I will waive any right that I
might have to sue for malpractice any of the on-site or volunteer
medical people which, hopefully, will allow them to give their
best "gut instinct" advice if that's what's called for while leaving
the final decision-making up to the first group and to keep anything
from being done that is irreparable in the meantime. I don't pray
to God with any medical specificity in medical situations-my own or
others-but certainly for those who ask God for guidance and
regularly receive it through prayer, that is entirely up to them and
they are welcome to use that as the basis of their decision in a
formal vote. I would ask that they pray to God, rather than YHWH or
Allah (unless their prayers are in Arabic) or the Synoptic Jesus or
his mother, Mary or any of the other "gods" which human beings are
inclined to join with God.
In the event of a tie vote, then I would open up the question to the
entire Yahoo membership.
What I am attempting to do is to play as much by the Marxist-
feminist rules as I can here, given that I already consider myself
to be dead if I'm unable to go to the store to buy my own food and
feed myself and that I have to face the fact that that is not an
option in the ghoulish Frankenstein-based society in which I find
myself. If I can't get any volunteers in either category (and it
wouldn't surprise me that I can't) then at least I don't think I can
be accused of indirectly committing suicide by my lack of interest
or faith in Marxist science. My only value, as far as I can see, is
as the creator of Cerebus. As far as I know, I have answered all
the questions that I have to answer both about the book and my
personal opinions on a variety of subjects all of which are housed
in the Cerebus Archive. If I have "miles to go before I sleep", I
have "miles to go before I sleep". That's up to God. I might have
28,000 more letters to answer before I die at 97. I'll try to do the
best job that I can of whatever God is putting in front of me
whether that's for another six months or for the next fifty years.
If my reanimated corpse is to be kept alive (and I don't see other
recourse at law) then I would insist that jurisdiction over me would
always be in the hands of the God-fearing and non-feminists.
Which brings up the third condition:
3) Whether I am being housed in a medical OR psychiatric facility I
would mandate that any and all parts of my treatment (or,
rather, "treatment") be posted to the Yahoo discussion group on the
Internet. What drugs are being administered and in what quantities
and that the drugs in question can be diminished or modified by a
consensus vote of the Yahoos who have declared their belief in God
and have declared themselves not to be feminists. And, again, that
in the event of a tie vote, any interested parts of the general
membership would vote so long as they provide Wilf with their actual
names and contact information.
My reasoning on this is that Marxism has a long and storied history
of suppressing contrary viewpoints by inflicting incarceration and
pharmaceutical immobilization upon those holding those contrary
viewpoints. Remember these are the same people who are pumping
young boys full of Ritalin to calm them down. If you don't believe
in God, the odds are that you believe very strongly in drugs. And
it is, of course, a very easy one-step process to take someone who
is a little confused after getting hit by the bus and making sure he
stays permanently confused if he is, shall we say, deemed to be
inconvenient by the Marxist-feminist powers that be. It's just what
these people do. This condition only worsens as it becomes apparent
that a Marxist system of government is unworkable, which I assume is
a process which has already begun in Canada and will be reaching an
acute phase and then apogee in the years to come. The historical
record shows that the more a Marxist system proves to be unworkable,
the more pharmaceuticals will be used to suppress those with
opposing viewpoints. It seems to me only common sense to have
Cerebus readers who are familiar with the drugs these people use to
specify when they are administering, say, ten times the required
amount of Thorazine and to direct them to "knock it off."
Again, if the requirement is to indemnify all concerned against any
charge of malpractice or malfeasance, I still think I will be better
served in a Marxist-feminist society by open consultation with non-
Marxists and non-feminists and Cerebus readers than in trusting
Marxist-feminists to have my best interests at heart. So, Wilf,
this might be a two-step process-one document outlining my Power of
Attorney specifications and another waiver of malpractice and
malfeasance for all concerned.
It seems ridiculous to me that anyone would limit the medical
jurisdiction over their physical person to whoever happens to be on
duty at their local hospital-Abdul the Butcher or whomever else
graduated in the bottom half of his class somewhere-when the
Internet makes it possible to transmit all pertinent medical data, x-
rays, vital signs etc, instantaneously anywhere around the globe to
people who actually might care what happens to you. Obviously, in
my case, this requires both global outreach and patience over time
to find even a handful of genuinely simpatico individuals, so it
seems only sensible to start now when there is no foreseeable crisis
in the offing.
Okay, that will do for starters. Give me a call when you've
digested it and we'll move this on to the next stage.
In the meantime, you might want to check out to see how the Policy discussion in
progressing. Ger will be posting it this week.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Dave Sim