Абитуриенты штурмуют вузы страны и среди них, несомненно, и истфак МГУ. Экзамены для большинства позади, чем же занятся? Конечно, читать. Кэмбриджский King's College опубликовал свой летний ридинг-лист для поступивших на отделение истории. Вкусности выделим болдом.
English History: suggested introductory reading
(Select a period according to your interests)
- S Reynolds: Kingdoms and Communities
- J C Schmitt: The Holy Greyhound
- J Holt: Robin Hood
- F Barlow: The Feudal Kingdoms of England 1047-1216
- D Douglas: The Norman Achievement
- D Douglas: William the Conquerer:The Norman Impact on England
- R Hilton: Bondmen Made Free
- G Holmes: The Later Middle Ages 1272-1485
- J R Lander: Conflict and Stability in 15th Century England
- R W Southern: The Making of the Middle Ages
- A Gurevich: Categories of Popular Medieval Culture
- S Shahar: The Fourth Estate: Women in the Middle Ages
Early Modern
- C Russell: The Causes of the English Civil War
- P Laslett: The World we have lost
- J H Plumb: The Growth of Political Stability in England
- J C D Clark: English Society 1688-1832
- K Wrightson: English Society
- J Brewer: The Sinews of Power
- E P Thompson: The Making of the English Working Class
- E J Hobsbawm: Industry and Empire
- P Clarke: The Keynesian Revolution in the Making
- P Clarke: Hope and Glory: Britain, 1900-1990
- M. Desai: Marx's Revenge
Classical Narrative Histories
- Gibbon: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Livy: Histories
- Macaulay: History of England
- Tacitus: Annals
- Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War
- Trotsky: History of the Russian Revolution
NB: You may not again have the leisure and inclination to read some of these, so you should certainly do so now if possible.
- Balzac: Lost Illusions
- Cervantes: Don Quixote
- Conrad: Nostromo
- Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment;The Brothers Karamazov
- George Eliot: Middlemarch
- Henry James: The Bostonians
- Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain
- Solzhenitsyn: Cancer Ward
- Stendhal: The Red and the Black
- Tolstoy: Anna Karenina;War and Peace
- Turgenev: Fathers and Sons
- Zola: Germinal
Studies of particular societies and epochs
Particularly useful for widening your sense of the range of historical enquiry:
- J Bossy: Christianity in the West 1400 - 1700
- F Braudel: The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the World of Philip II
- E Genovese: Roll Jordan Roll: The World the Slaves Made
- E Hobsdbawn: Primitive Rebels
- J Levinson & F Schurmann: China: An Interpretative History
- K Thomas: Religion and the Decline of Magic
- E P Thompson: Whigs and Hunters
- J Womack: Zapata and the Mexican Revolution
- P Woodruff: The Men who ruled India
- N Davis: Society and Culture in 18th Century France
- C Ginzburg: The Cheese and the Worms
- D MacCulloch: Reformation
Works of General Interest
Those marked with an asterisk will be particularly useful for thinking about general historical problems:
- N Bloch: The Historian's Craft
- R G Collingwood: The Idea of History*
- M Foucault: Madness and Civilisation*
- E H Gombrich: Art and Illusion
- C Geertz: The Interpretation of Cultures*
- J Keegan: The Face of Battle
- G Lichtheim: Marxism
- A D Lovejoy: The Great Chain of Being
- A Macintyre: A Short History of Ethics
- Benedict Anderson: Imagined Communities
- Barrington Moore: Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
- W H Walsh: In Introduction to the Philosophy of History
- Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism*
- J Tully & Q Skinner: Meaning and Context*
- J Scott: Gender and the Politics of History
- A Hirschman: The Passions and the Interests*
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