2010★Searching for the unlimited potential
Akanishi Jin, holding the live [YOU&JIN U.S.A] in LA, America on June 19th and 20th. Showing more and more stronger oversea intentions, what kind of stage will he present? Building on his experiences, polishing himself into a "Samurai" to carry oversea, what kind of history will he create!
Recently I've managed to get some vacation time, and have been preparing for the live in America. Right, during the free time I had in between, I went for a snowboarding day trip with Ryo-chan. Ryo-chan drove his car to Gunma-ken. Snowboarding for the second time in my life, and since the last time was years back, I totally slipped. See, I obviously have sense in everything I do (laugh). But Ryo-chan has been snowboarding a lot so he's really good. If his level is 10 then I'd probably be, maa...about 5 (laugh). Since we went in a hurry, my board and outerwears were all rentals. But Ryo-chan had all his equipments ready. Also, I went to watch Takki's stage. I went to chat backstage after the show, but since this time Takki's stage was about
Kabuki, I couldn't understand the meaning as I watched. Since I had the chance, I asked straight from Takki all about it.
The contents of the live in LA hasn't been decided at all. Basically, it'll be composed based on what I did in Nissay Theatre in February. True, although I've been writing a few more songs, I couldn't clearly decided whether to use them or not yet. It's really the steps from now on. Also I plan to go to the actual place a number of times before the real thing, I'll consider more from there. The more I go, ideas will be coming out gradually as well. However, although it's been really unclear, I've always had the intention of performing overseas for a long time. Since I've got this "want to try?" offer by chance, I'm really thinking of challenging myself to it. If I had to do it, I'll give it all trying, although I'm completely looking forward to it, to tell you the truth, there's still frightening parts to it... First of all, the whole thing being oversea, and since the tickets are only sold there, the guests might not know me. What kind of reactions would I get, I wouldn't know until I stand on the stage.
I've been asked "Who has influenced your music tastes?" really often in interviews, there are so many that I couldn't just list one of them. Just simply watching an oversea artist's PV on the computer and thinking "wow" counts as "influencing", even Japanese people, no matter if they're famous or not, has given me tons of advices as well. In that sense, I've been influenced by a lot of people continuously.
I wonder why, the public has been having this assumption of "is he going to live overseas forever?" kind of atmosphere (laugh), I'll totally come back to Japan. On the topic about my future, if possible, I would want to challenge doramas and movies still. Of course, I'm still targeting a collaboration album with foreign artists kind of thing in the future. Ah right, although I'm changing topics here, how's my hair style right now? Should I let my hair grow more and having a "Samurai" feeling before I head towards America, or should I just cut it all is really troubling me. What do you think? (laugh)