Feb 08, 2004 01:35
I woke up all happy this morning aight...then I went to work. It was so busy and no, absolutely no one fucking helped me. I was all alone running around like a fuckin madman and with absolutely no help. That took my good mood and drove to shit...and then drove it a little further into the ground. It just straight pissed me off.
So that took me into just feeling so bad...I didn't care about anything or anyone...didn't want to talk to anyone and just wanted to stay at home and be by myself with just peace and quiet. It worked somewhat and I'm a little better now but still am pretty pissed off.
Right now is exactly one week from the conversation that literally changed so many things...for the better too! It brought me out of the hell that was that weekend and brought me into the light into where I am now. So much better...haha
STRAIGHT FUCKED UP! You wanna know the true me...I've laid it all out before you and its time to put the pieces together. I'm the jigsaw puzzle that never fits right together or you're missing one piece to...except I feel like I'm missing everything except one piece. I don't understand where I'm supposed to be or what I'm supposed to be doing...what is my purpose? It feels like I'm only a puppet attached to my parents' hands and the strings are made of steel. Just get me the fuck out of here! I hate it...god I hate it...I hate it, hate it, HATE IT! Just give me the room I want and stay out of my way...if I fuck up my life then I do it you have nothing to do with it. I just don't care anymore and them being so controlling is kinda driving me to think this way. Y'all gon make me lose my mind...up in here, up in here! This is what fuckin' DMX is made for...when you're pissed off! I just wanna bust something up I'm so angry. I gotta calm down...cause I'm gettin mad over nothing. Deep breaths and its over now...I'm calm...btw that was a 15 min break there.
OK Sunday tomorrow...gotta go to work and then come home and I got no homework. But it's not like I can do anything anyways...haha. Why the hell did I get so pissed off there?...haha sometimes I am just so ridiculous its not even funny. So I'm happy for my girl...a necklace...wow! Again...I'm so happy for you and happy I could help you out. I'm not even mad anymore...at all...wow I got mood swings like whoa. This week will be good cause finally my V-day won't be absolutely horrible like it has always been in the past and I don't see there being any problems this week.
So goodnight to everyone and I am happy now...and was mad for no apparent reason.