Since we have ten zillion people now, I have to make real, solid rules that we'll abide by, and that will be inforced by myself, Laura, and sometimes
paquin. If anyone else spots an infringement, please e-mail with a link, and I'll take care of it for you.
1. No netspeak. Unless you only have one arm, it is not that hard to type 'you' instead of 'u'. If you do only have one arm, you should try extra hard to type properly, because you don't want the cruel world making fun of you for being stupid, too. This also means speak proper English. Everyone makes mistakes, but please try to use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. I won't ban you or anything if you don't, but I might start deleting your comments.
2. Please refer to
the memories (which should be up-to-date in the next couple of days) before posting, or at least scroll back a couple of pages. I usually won't delete re-posts, but I may start having to.
3. No spoilers.
4. Please don't just post links. Please post proper links. IE: Rather than posting, post
stanfordWANK. If you don't know how to do that, please consult the
Livejournal FAQ. Also consult there for how to make
LJ cuts.
5. No
hotlinking. I can probably be persueded to make a
stanfordwank photobucket account, if you think we need it.
6. Feel free to post pictures as pictures, just make sure the large ones or the ones that contain spoilers are behind a cut.
7. Please don't make pointless posts. I'm not saying that you have to have some sort of major revelation or a new interview in every post, but if someone reads what you said and no one has an idea what the hell you're talking about.. That's kind of a problem.
8. No fangirling (ie: OMG I LUV STANFURD HE IS SOOOOO SEXY DO U THINK HEZ HOTTTER IN XMEN OR IN DA HILLZ!?!?!). We're not about that.
9. No insulting celebrities. It's one thing to tease.. It's another to insult. No saying, "OMG so and so is so fug." If you want to do that, you should go to
ohnotheydidnt, where they will be happy to hear about your hate on for the Anna Paquin's collarbones, or whatev.
10. No insulting one another. I shouldn't have to tell you that.
And for the moment, that's all.
Watch this space. This list will grow.
Also.. See:
The Stupid PSA The Stanford/StanfordWANK FAQ XOXO