Okay.. Also.. No one really knows anything about what's going on with The Cake Eaters.. Or at least no one from
Vinyl Foote does. I did my manic frenzy of "e-mail every production company known to man" and routinely hugely humliated myself in front of one of the producers (and actors, but I'm more interested in him as a producer at the moment) of The Cake Eaters, because I'm kind of an asshole like that, but I suppose it sort of happens sometimes.. And I try to get by on quick-wit and charm, forgetting that I am neither that quick-witted nor charming.
But anyway.. Everyone keep watching
http://www.vinylfoote.com/ for updates about The Cake Eaters (which I may not have had to resort to harrassing production companies if
mary-stuart-masterson.com had not been taken down (Joon, this is all your fault!)
I hate feeling like an idiot. I'm much more at home feeling like everyone else is an idiot. It's kind of like feeling like I've all of a sudden discovered that I'm from Mars.
Also... 7th Floor Productions e-mailed me back asking which actor I journaled about before telling me anything..
Which makes me wonder if Stanford has some sort of clause in his contract forbidding any of his studios to speak a word to anyone with a livejournal and the balls/COMPLETE LACK OF SHAME to e-mail a production company to harass them about a film that's been sitting on the shelf for TWO YEARS (INDIGENT, THIS MEANS YOU! I WILL NOT LET A CHARACTER CALLED PUSSY KATZ DIE WITHOUT BEING SEEN BY THE PUBLIC!).
I've also e-mailed Live Free or Die and am going to send a message to the myspace in about five minutes, but the last time I messaged them they were kind of.. Nasty.. So I'm not expecting anything good. I think they're a little big-budget for any sort of response.
That is all.