Oct 16, 2006 15:50
Hey guys.. Just a quick update to say that I can tell you with complete certainty that Aaron Stanford does NOT have a myspace. Any myspace you see that looks promising, depending on the pictures or the familiarity of which his friends speak of him.. Is not true. I know this for a fact.
If he did have a myspace, he wouldn't use improper grammar or netspeak, and knows how to use apostrophies and commas.
He also has a penchant to use really huge words, and not refer to himself as "daddy".
Or at least, in my image of him. He may refer to himself as daddy on a regular basis, but I hope not because that would totally make me throw up in my mouth a little.
Anyway, I guess it's possible that he does have a myspace but doesn't say I AM AARON STANFORD!!!!.. But he probably doesn't, and if anyoene does announce himself as Aaron Stanford on myspace.. It's not him.
fake myspace omg!