1.) I realized that those of you who don't have Mike on your friends list would not have seen his recent post and thus would not have seen the link to the recent r+k photo shoot that Arthur, Mike, Ray, and I did.
Consider this oversight corrected. Photos were taken by Mike's friend Evan, who did excellently, and photoshopped by r+k - Mike. I think they're pretty spiffy.
2.) Glad everyone liked the marine bio song. Those were simpler times. Good to know (via Tiffany) that me and Anthony's legacy lives on. Also, since Sean seems to indicate that we achieved peak hotness through the peformance of that song, look for me to be quitting Robert & Karen soon and starting an acoustic power-pop duo like I've always wanted (little known fact: I only joined Robert & Karen because I thought the name indicated that it was an acoustic power-pop duo).
3.) Just noticed on Boing Boing that my
other girlfriend made a guest appearance on
a web-based show on DIY tech for ladies. Awesome.