Dreams are so wierd. "J and I"

Feb 13, 2009 13:19

             The other night I had a dream that was most bazaar. It was weird because in this dram I had a brother. In my real life I do have a brother but he's older, though in my dream I had a younger brother who was much younger than Myself.  His name was J and he was between 10-12 years of age with coke bottle glasses and redish hair.  I think the reason everyone called him J rather then Jay or joe is because we never called him by his birth name. We would use only nic names, and when I went to get a copy of his birth certificate his name was smudged out expect for the letter J( weird I know bare with me). 
           In this dream I  and J had recently become orphans due to a acident that killed both of our parents. Drifting between one horrible foster family to another we eventually escaped there awefull clutches to live life on our own. while loking for shelter we came upon and Old Very Old delapitated huge building that was a kind of a shopping /housing complex. Though It had been LONG abondonded, expect for two homeless people I and J meet whos names were(/are?) Steven and Deliah. They taught us how to survive on the streets and show us the only true compassion we had'ent had since out parents died. 
           I remember certin scenes about the building and the characters that inspire me and want to write and tell the story of J and I.

hummm...... good working title "J and I"  .

I hope I diden't bore you too much. Let me know about your feedback on the idea, and let me know about if you had a memorible Dream you want to share! I'd love to hear about it !

Peace and long life to all

wierd, dream, story

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