{ details }

Apr 23, 2009 02:06

:: ewar of valdis.

Name Ewar
Age 25
Occupation Swordmaster of Valdis
Loyalty Martel of Valdis
Fandom Redemption of Althalus
Played By Henry Cavill
Wiki Here
In Short
The next best thing to Kurik.

:: biography
Ewar was born and raised in the highlands of Arum, where he would train like most any other Arum boy - to be a soldier. Most specifically a mercenary, as is their cultural wont: Arums don't fight for gods, they fight for gold. As the Assassins' Guild of another canon entirely put it: nil mortifi sine lucre.
He's one of seven siblings; he was in the middle at three years old, of himself and three sisters, when their father died. His mother remarried a while later, and had three more children - two more sons and a daughter - with his stepfather. Ewar and his sisters had some initial trouble adjusting to their new father figure, but it was about sorted by his adolescence and he's very close to all of his family these days.
He was there - he was young, but he was there - when the little Arya of Osthos came with her barrels of gold and an unheard of offer to hire all of Arum to fight her battles. He fought under Koleika Iron-Jaw at Mawor, and he would've probably made his clan an excellent sergeant one day. Having gone with one of his brothers to war with Nekweros and not managed to bring him home again, Ewar grieved without letting it overwhelm for long. His plans changed when the neighbouring ruin that his chief technically owned became of interest to a foreign lord looking for a new home.
Martel bought the castle, and employed Koleika's fine young men to assist him in restoring it to its former glory; Ewar was one of them, and he swiftly made himself indispensible. When the renovations and rebuilding were as complete as they was going to get - enough that Lord Martel had begun to slow down and look to the rest of his projects - he took a good look around, and made a decision.
He liked this place, he'd helped shape it, and he liked its lord. The man needed someone to stand as a buffer between him and the rest of the world, and Ewar judged himself the best man for that job - not to mention the fact Martel would need, as Ewar put it, all hands on deck when the training school got off the ground (as it now has).
He wasn't hired so much as Martel tolerated his decision to stay.
:: details
Ewar is twenty-five, a little over 6' tall, and his accent would be reminiscent of Scotland to someone familiar with it.
His duties in Valdis are loosely defined, and by and large he acts as Martel's right hand, whatever that needs to mean today. Mostly this means making sure that things are running smoothly, particularly with Martel's students.
In the absence of the Lord and Lady, Eirene outranks Ewar, who still outranks everyone else. It suits them well enough.

:: disclaimers

Ewar of Valdis is an original character set in the world of The Redemption of Althalus, which was created by David and Leigh Eddings, and does not belong to me! Likewise not mine is the nice dude used for his face, Henry Cavill as he appeared in Tristan and Isolde.

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