Apr 07, 2008 12:42
I went to the salvation army on 80 whatever and cicero and i nearly peed my pants. I have not been to a thrift store in probably at least over 6 months, maybe a year, and I was very surprised to see that the place was almost twice as big as the last time I had been there. It's an overabundance of creative possibilities. I love being back home because the thrift store in dekalb was disgusting and had like bugs in everything. There was this really cool pink chair I was thinking about getting for my room but Ive got billz so that will have to wait. I found 3 dressers I could see having in my room. Each of them were about $45. When I walked in there was this beautiful white antique looking one with blackish handles that was incredible looking but it was $200. Carazy. Anyways, perhaps I can't live in the city but living in Oak Lawn right now is so close to the city that it's really not a big deal. I gotta get back in school.
I love being single. I lose touch with all the things i enjoy when i'm in a relationship. I become too concerned with the relationship and the wellbeing of the relationship and whether it's really going somewhere or really what I'm looking for that it like consumes my life. I think I keep dissecting it because a relationship is not what I'm looking for because alex forced me into a routine where i depended on him for my confidence and when we broke up I kept looking for someone else to give me back my confidence. I need to be responsible and learn how to be in a healthy relationship and quit wasting my time with losers and buttmunches working on relationsihips i dont intuitively want in the first place. Gah.
I've got bills up the ass. I didnt think i had to appear in court and i just got a bill from them saying now i owe $250. blah.
I am starting to pay back my student loans.
The only reason I went to the thrift store today was because i can't afford normal furniture anywhere else but I'm glad that my situation is actually causing this because for some reason i'm really enjoying these alternatives to my routine.
I have a bill folder now. Thanks to suze orman. I'm becoming an organized woman. Soon I will kick my bills' asses and I'll be able to go back to school, finish my degree in music ed and live it up with a day job doing something cool. Right now i have a night job doing something cool so that's not so bad at all but health insurance and a schedule that isn't in conflict with most other working people's schedules would be nice.
I'm so glad it's warm enough to enjoy life and do things again. Spring time is the only time i feel like dressing like a girl.
oh and i bought a dress.