I'm sorry but it annoys me when people say that they're going to hang out with you and talk to you all the time and they don't. Especially over the summer. If you're not going to, then don't tell me you are. It pisses me off. Don't be a d-bag. Don't tell me you miss me the next time I talk to you. Own up to being an assbag the next time I talk to
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Let me answer your questions and even opinions one bye one.
"What exactly is so cool about drinking anyway?"
What is so cool about drinking? Is it that it makes us feel older, more mature, like we've got one up on people, or that it's just superduperkickass? Probably none of those things because really drinking isn't all that cool-- neither are drugs for that matter-- but if we all did everything that was considered cool where would we be? I'd probably be at the bottom of a pool considering how cool being an emo suicidal jerk is nowadays. No, maybe alcohol isn't "cool" but so what. If I want to do it or my sister wants to do it or anyone wants to do it, it's a nice thing to them. And maybe, just maybe... some people thing heart and liver problems are sexy. I'm not one of those people, but I also know my limits.
As for being immature and irresponsible. Let's see here: Not that high school matters anymore to me, but I was 13th in my class and President and/or Vice President of a rediculous amount of clubs and I'm one of the most mature 18 year olds I know, just because I enjoy a nice cold beer once in a while doesn't mean that I'm irresponsible. Matter of fact it doesn't mean that any one of us "teenage drinkers" is irresponsible. What's irresponsible is not knowing how much you can drink without looking like an asshole because trust me, working at a bar I've seen my fair share of toasted young women who are just looking to get raped in the back parking lot. Once again-- it's about knowing your limits.
&& you're right having the balls to stand up to some one and say "No thanks, I'd rather just have a soda" is cool-- it's cool for you or for some one else who just wants to have a soda. But for a lot of people who say yes, they want to say yes and it doesn't matter how much or how little peer pressure is applied to them, they are going to say yes. If you want to drink you're going to find a way to do it & if you don't, well then you won't. It's called having a strong sense of self. I have one and so does my sister. Just because we'll say yes to a nice alcoholic beverage doesn't take that away from us.
And for your last piece of advice. There are a lot of things you wouldn't do with your parents around--swearing, drinking, even dancing "dirty"-- but that doesn't mean that they aren't going to happen. Just because you might not do something when you're parents are around doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. These things are a part of growing up and learning what's good for you.
You're completely entitled to your opinion, but because you are that means I am too.
So here's my lesson for you: Drink if you want or don't, smoke weed if you want or don't, curse if you want or don't-- but don't preach to other people about what they should or should not do because you have no right. Accept people for who they are and what they do and you'll be a better person for it.
Just my piece of advice.
Marie, Brittany's big sister.
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