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Booking Through Thursday Scenario: You’ve just bought some complicated gadget home . . . do you read the accompanying documentation? Or not?
Do you ever read manuals?
How-to books?
Self-help guides?
Anything at all?
I always read the documentation with anything.
I always read manuals. Even when I'm super excited, I HAVE to read the manual. Not because I want to know how to use it - because usually I'll already know how - but just to know everything possible, in case I missed something. I think it's part of some obsessive compulsive disorder that I may partly have. And if I don't end up reading it right away, I'll keep it for just before bed, almost like a magazine. Clearly I have issues.
I sometimes read how-to books, depending what they're about obviously. More often I'll flip through them for a quick read when I've got nothing to do but I'm not in the mood for a novel.
I don't read self-help books ever.