Another Self-Esteem Education Book for Girls Written by A Hot Chick!?

Feb 29, 2008 09:13

Nope, this doesn't seem like some kind of money making masterminded plot. It sounds like the real deal to me. I read the article about the book and was actually quite impressed. Normally I'd sneer at the fact that a former Miss America wrote a book about self-esteem. Kind of... lame right? Well this girl has caught my attention with 'Body Drama' written by Nancy Redd. Now.. I don't know everything, but I feel pretty in tune with my own body so I don't really read books of this type but I don't think it would be such a bad idea for anyone to peek through this one. I think the most impressive thing that I read was that the book has a spread of a bunch of naked ladies. Redd stresses she thinks all girls see of women's bodies today is girls/women who are sexualized and in porn poses. With this book she's trying to de-sexualize women's bodies. I think that's pretty interesting and a very good point. Women's bodies are way too sexualized.
One thing that came to mind were those 'Dove' ads which I think really started to change the way people look at women's bodies . I'm not into 'Dove' products because they make my hair feel gross and all that, but their ads are pretty progressive and important in my eyes. Naked women, no airbrushing, au naturel. We rarely see that. It's refreshing. Even just the magazines I've been reading lately. All the airbrushing and sexy poses. They make me feel like a huge freaking walrus.
Anyways, I wanted to mention the book! Link to the article about it below.
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image, nancy redd, women, bodies, dove, body image

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