I just watched あいつとララバイ.
I paid a lot of money for this second hand VHS format movie. But it is worth every yen I paid.
あいつとララバイ is Nicky fangirl's heaven!
The movie's running time is 84 minutes. There are Nicky's scene for 83.58 minutes. (^O^)
Ahhhhh Nicky is so so so cute in the film. He created very charming character. He is very good actor.
I have two Shonen Tai's movies and one Nicky's. I plan to find other two Nicky's film though he is not in the leading role. I watched one of them before. It's nice film anyway.
I still hope that TOHO will release those films in DVD format one day. It is very difficult to find the excellent video tape after it was released more than 20 years. And when you find it, the price is really expensive.