So I've started growing a garden, which is impressive for me since most plant life I've ever tried to grow shrivled with neglect - including cacti.
I planted seeds into little cups with organic fertilizer stuff.
I was really worried they weren't going to grow and then I walked out and BAM!
I became a mother!
baby cucumbers!
Baby Chard!
Not pictured here is baby Tomatos and Baby Carrots
It's amazing how fast the cucumber grew!
I built a raised soil bed this week, using the "Gardening By the Foot" method added lots of cow manure, peat, and soil.
Look how big the cucumbers got!
The tomatos are growing just as fast
Chard was kind of a weird plant to transplant because they aren't stem based like cucs and tomatos are. I hope I didn't cause them too much stress.
Same with the carrots, the seedlings were sooo tiny, and so many of them grew in such a small area, that I wasn't sure how to get them apart. I just kind of dumped them in there with no real way to see where the roots started and ended. I think I'm going to sprinkle a few free seeds just in the bed to see if they grow.
I'm so proud of my little plants, and I hope they keep growing! I'm getting much better at watering them everday, that and the rain helps. My next round of crops that I planted tonight are pumpkins, beans, and sunflowers. My roomate says to plant the beans next to the sunflowers to they grow up the bottom of them like they would up a support spike.
Also a quick pic of my new and improved - diyasfucktrytocomplainnowcondobitches- compost bin!!
I will keep an update of my lovely little garden.