CHARACTER NAME: The Disreputable Dog, Bitch if you want to be technical, or Kibeth as she is what remains of Kibeth
FANDOM: The Old Kingdom Series
CANON: End of The Abhorsen
WHAT THEY LOST: Her ‘bark’. By this I mean the power that Kibeth has as a bell. Kibeth is the walker, and throughout the novels the Dog has used her bark to make people and beings walk. Her bark now will just be a normal dog bark.
The Disreputable Dog is just that, disreputable. She is released from her soapstone statue form when Lirael is trying to make a Dog. Lirael knows that the Dog isn't what she created as she was just trying to create a sending and the Dog was so much more than that. Yet, living up to her name, each time Lirael tries to figure out what the Dog is, she either states that she is the Dog and she is from elsewhere or that Lirael should know because it was her spell. Most of the time the Dog never really answers any questions but just wiggles around and avoids them. She is quite adamant about not being called a thing.
The Dog is both dog-like and not dog-like at all.
Like a dog, she has a good nose. A 'famous' nose, as it is remarked upon. She begs and follows food, for when Lirael tries to keep it from her, her eyes follow it wherever she moves it. She doesn't always eat the bones right away but she likes to bury them out in the ice and dig them up at a later time. She loves going for walks and exploring. She is always alerting Lirael of the fact that she did her business in a corner if Lirael wants to sniff it. She never does though. She sleeps curled in a ball and snores and twitches.
Like a dog, she barks when furious or happy and she also wags her tail. When it stops wagging, you know that she is serious. She loves being scratched, and likes her ritual scratch between the ears in the morning. She will be very demanding when it comes to getting her scratches and she happily trades a look at her collar for more scratches. She stretches, yawns and yelps like a dog, and for Lirael's birthday, she gave her a dog kiss. She is more than happy to chase after rabbits and she also likes to herd things. Unlike a dog, she loves to submerge her head under water. She hates bathes but loves swimming, as swimming isn't a bath.
Although the Dog doesn't need to eat, she does like to do it. She also likes to read, growing out her paws to turn the pages and can write by making a claw grow bigger as well. She accepts being hugged, but only for a few moments before she starts to shuffle. Although she is generally of a friendly disposition, she can suddenly turn very serious. She doesn't stand for self-pity and has been known to nip at Lirael when she starts to do that.
As she states, she can be a menace when she wants to be. She isn't known for listening to commands, requests or entreaties. Although she can be kind and gentle, it has been shown that she isn't that charitable, especially with Mogget. Although he was given a second chance, the Dog doesn't readily do so and questions him every step of the way. She tells people to pay attention and although she does seem to be quite strong, being able to change her form into that of a more threatening being as well as using her bark that is infused with the force of Kibeth, she tells people that they need to clean up their own mess.
She doesn’t like waiting and in fact she rarely does. Even when told to stay in a place, she often ambles on ahead. She loves seeing new places and smelling new smells. She also likes to annoy Mogget. Several times she almost just happens to step on him. Overall, she is not a humble being but she is a loyal and good friend. Yet, when she doesn't want to say something, she turns away and avoids eye contact. She'll even go as far as to close her eyes, but Lirael blows up her nostrils and makes her answer her questions. She has been around for many centuries. Mogget once states that he has been a 'servant' of the Abhorsen for two centuries. So, she does know a lot. She just never readily gives an answer, instead avoiding them.
In the end, she knows her time with Lirael is done and so lets her Mistress live by taking the death blow. Yet, even her last act is still her being disreputable. She sends Nick back into life even though she is not supposed too and that really is the Dog. She lied the whole time about whom she was although she does eventually sheepishly admit it when she stands for herself.
* * *
The Disreputable Dog's origins go all the way back to the beginning- before the beginning, actually. As Chlorr rightly thought when she sensed the Dog, that she was either 'new, or so old, that any book that told of her was long since dust.' She thought it was the latter, and she was correct, although she had no idea as to what the Dog was exactly. The Dog back then was Kibeth, one of the Bright Shiners who stood against Orannis. She was one of two of the seven who did not give themselves up bodily to the wall or the Great Charter Stones. Somewhere along the line, she ended up as a soapstone statue that was in a room in the library of the Clayr.
From there, who knew how many years passed, but one day a certain outcast girl stumbled upon the room and picked up the statue. Lirael, who decided that she wanted a Charter made dog, embarked upon creating just that, but ended up getting much more than what she bargained for. The Disreputable Dog. From here, an unlikely friendship grew. Lirael was a Clayr without sight and that put her apart from the other Clayr. The Dog would be her friend and would aid and guide Lirael.
Lirael had no idea who she was, as the Dog would never answer her questions or just state that Lirael should know because Lirael summoned her. The Dog pushed Lirael to explore new places and Lirael came upon her true heritage, being a Remembrancer, the first in several hundred years. They set out from the glacier of the Clayr because the Clayr had seen her for the first time. Along the way they happened to come across Sam and Mogget in a sinking sub and the four join together. When the arrived at the house of the Abhorsen, Lirael comes to learn that she was the Abhorsen-in-waiting.
The story progressed to the point where Orannis was put back together and after Lirael learned how to bind Orannis again and defeated Hedge in Death, they attempt to do just that. This was when Lirael realized that she only had six of the seven people needed. Touchstone was to stand for Ranna, Sabriel for Saraneth, Sanar and Ryelle for Mosrael, Ellimere for Dyrim, Sam for Belgaer, and Lirael for Astarael. Lireal stated that she would also weild Kibeth, but the Dog stepped forward and admitted what Lirael all ready thought but didn't want to believe. The Dog was Kibeth, or what was left of Kibeth in a round about way.
Their first attempt failed but Sam released Mogget who was Yrael and told him to choose wisely. He chose life and this time there were eight instead of seven. Lirael was aware that the final blow would kill her and without knowing why, she called out the Dog's name. The Dog bit off Lirael's hand and took all of force from Orannis. Aged, she passed on after telling Lirael that her time with her was done.
The book ended with the Dog trotting around in death. She came across the soul of Nick who she had baptized just after he died. She told him to go back to life and when asked if that was allowed, she replied no but that she was doing it anyway. After, she grew her legs out and went splashing around in death, going her own way.