(no subject)

Jun 07, 2010 19:28

So here's my plans for free-time this week. I have lumber to make the collapsible camp bed for Pennsic (well, siderails and bedposts). Yay!! It's poplar, because it's cheap, and should hold me (and Eleanor - seemed a reasonable thing to account for, as 3-year olds are more easily accounted for than kept off beds), and there's documentation of poplar leaves being used in poltices back in the Middle Ages, but I don't know of any for furniture. However, cheap beat documentable. The Hardwood Store where I went had probably enough ebony for me to do documentable, however, it wasn't worth the cost :) Not for something that's having a lot of the ornateness stripped off to the point where it's a project I think I can handle.

Complicating this is the fact that I'm about 2/3 of the way through The Name of the Wind. It's a good book, and I've spent pretty much the entire weekend reading it. It was slow starting out, but now I really want to know how the main character got from where I am in the story to where he was when the story started (the first couple chapters were setting up for him narrating his story to a chronicler; there are interlude chapters of grown-up main character & other characters interacting)

Now I'm going to read some more, and then maybe I'll mark up the lumber for the first few steps...
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