Job decision...

Aug 19, 2010 14:03

The good news: I've (finally!) been contacted by the post office to return to work delivering mail. Yay, job!

The bad news: It'll again be a "transitional carrier" position, which means no benefits (I already pay for my own health insurance out of pocket.) and they'll probably be keeping me for only one year or maybe two. And I wouldn't be working in my old city where I delivered before, I'd have to commute about 35 miles away. With the Bay Area traffic, I'm looking at 60-90 minutes (or more) each way, plus bridge toll every day. Boo, impermanence and aggravation.

Ugh, I can't decide.

Side note:  Can this guy go two seconds in videochat without talking about himself or steering the conversation to be about himself?  *headdesk*

now what, job

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