Nov 05, 2005 20:23
last night
we *lisa,kyle,sebastian.bradley,lauren,megan, and i* went to SAW 2.
i hafta say it was rpety good
well i should start off the story properly.
after school 5 people and i crammed into the cab of my truck *haha* n i took chris home then we all came to my house but i made the boys *bradley,kyle,sebastian* sit in the truck while lisa came in to say hi to my dad n she n i changed. then we all went to kyle's house n chilled for a few hours *like 4* n they made me watch saw 1 so i would understand saw 2. haha that was funny.
n then we all went to go watch saw 2 n bradley totally broke tradition to sit with lauren *bradley sits next to me so that he can tell me wats gonna happen EVERY movie we have ever seen together* so i sat with this cutie sebastian. he's adorable. n idk but i think he was attracted to me n i was def. attracted to him.
n kyle lisa n sebastian n i had a piggyback ride race. lol. n then after the movei we allw ent to kfc decided it was to full n walkd to winndixie n then we all just walkd around the parking lot for a bit it was fun. n then i took the boys back to kyle's house where they were stayin we chilled for a lil bit n then i took lisa home n spent the night there. we watchd billengvall n laughd n talkd on the fone n then yeah.
it was alot of fun i must say.
n it negated the huge fight resulting in my not allowed out 2nite ness that happened today.
tomorrow ill clean n then taylor *she comes home from tampa 2morrow WOOOOT* & i will go to youth.