Nov 25, 2008 12:12
So many people are getting sick... I hope you're all getting lots of rest! Don't forget to drink plenty of orange juice! And try not to cough on me if you can help it.
For those of you that aren't feeling under the weather, now that we're docked, we have some cleaning to do! I thought it might be nice to get all the Long Night cleaning out of the way early. The stage needs to be waxed, the top decks mopped, the windows washed, and just about everything needs to be dusted! I want to see this ship sparkling so much it hurts my eyes! I expect everyone that's not sick to help out with the cleaning somewhere on the ship. The more everyone pitches in, the faster it'll get done!
I do have a side-project for those of you that would rather make a mess. That big tower right behind the stage mostly has storage rooms on the top deck level. I'd like for our shipwrights - and anyone else with experience - to start building a little bar and diner there. We could get plenty of extra money off of the play-goers with that! I'd also like a dumb waiter down to the kitchens to be put in, and a handful of muted electric lights. I've got some ideas written down already if anyone wants to stop by and take a look.