Ok guys, we're so happy with the amount of applications that have been submitted! They've been coming in so fast, in fact, that we've had to create a backlog. Therefore, if you have submitted an application and it hasn't shown up yet, have no fear. We just want to make sure that the apps that ARE up get voted on before they get lost in the shuffle. So everyone, PLEASE VOTE! We have over 50 people belonging to this community already, so I would like to see at least 25 votes on an application before we officially stamp them.
Speaking of the stamps, the other mods and I are hard at work creating an awesome collection, they look really great! So be excited for that. Ooh, and did everyone check out our hot new layout? We have none other than the fabulous
prncssleia to thank for that! Thanks, Steph!
Lastly, I would like to again say that your application's answers should be longer than one sentence per question. It's damn near impossible to vote on someone who barely says anything, and is really a waste of everyone's time. From now on, as I note in the rules, if your application is ridiculously short, the mods will be rejecting it from the queue.
Here are the applications which have been pushed back to the second page. Once I have enough votes on these apps, I will stamp them and release new ones:
HERE. darkastaroth:
HERE. strawberry_star:
HERE. luxuria:
HERE. zillah_mahala:
HERE. shahani:
HERE. linaeve:
HERE. kikithepirate:
HERE. fleeting_moods:
HERE. emileet: