Okay, first I'd like to say "HELLO!" out there to everybody. I'm Chrissy, the new mod to this community.
Second, I'd like to point out that there was a TON of applications in the moderation queue that I just dropped. Some of them were not approved because of their LJ cuts and/or subject lines. So I need people to vote on them.
Third, I'm looking for somebody to co-mod alongside
thevainparade and I. The first person that wins me over gets the job.
Fourth, we're in desperate need of a new layout and some new themes. I know that this isn't a sorting comm, far from it. But I thought it'd be fun to do a house theme and have "common rooms" so that way you can earn your house "points" if you vote and participate.
Um, that's about it guys. I'd love to hear ideas and stuff.