Lords of Dogtown

May 23, 2007 11:40

1. Name: Gabriella

2. Age: 17

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? My first choice would be California because I love the ocean, warm weather, and the relaxed mentality. However, I'd also love to live in Japan because all my friends live there and I miss it a lot.

4. What would your Room of Requirement look like? It'd be a HUGE pool (50 meters) with 8 lanes and really nice diving blocks. Lots of kick boards, pull-buoys, dry-land equipment and my swim coach, Igor!

5. Who is your least favorite Harry Potter character? Cho! She's whiny and annoying and she represents all the weaknesses in the female gender. Not to say that it's bad to be "girly" or anything, because I have my fair share of those moments, but she just bothers me.

6. Is the glass half empty or half full? Full baby! I'm optimistic.

7. Give us a quotation (Can be from a famous person, a song, or even a poem-whatever you want) you feel represents your life or personality. "Life isn't nearly as sacred as the appreciation for passion" - Kurt Cobain. I love it 'cause I think it's true and yeah, it represents me.

8. In your life, who comes first: family or friends? Well my closest friends become family anyway so I'd say family. I've got a huge extended Italian-American family that I would do anything to protect.

9. What is your favorite childhood memory? I hate this question because I can never think of anything! All of my favourite memories are recent. My favourite memory is when I was in Japan over the summer and for my first date with this guy he took me to Odaiba and he bought me dinner and we just talked for hours until it got really dark out and I had to go home.

10. What would you say is your biggest flaw? I'm super impulsive. It's good sometimes, because I get things done. But it also sucks because I tend to leap into situations without thinking them through and either get myself into trouble or get in over my head and end up freaking out and backing down.

11. If you had been at Hogwarts during Harry’s fifth year, do you think that you would have joined the D.A.? For sure. I would also try to do everything to the best of my abilities because the D.A. was fighting for a good cause.

12. Describe how you react to difficult or stressful situations. Um, most of the time I'm able to just buckle down and do whatever I need to do, even if it's just the bare minimum so that I can at least get through it. Sometimes, though, I freak out and end up backing away and procrastinating or just never doing it. If it's stress that's related to my family I shut down any emotions attached to the situation completely, and focus on something else.

13. Which do you value more: compassion or justice? Compassion. Justice is a very relative and tricky term, but compassion is important if you even want to begin to relate to anyone else on the planet. Compassion can also aid in making just decisions, although it can also give a bias.

14. Would you say that you’re a child at heart, or that you have an old soul? Child. I am easily amused and enjoy to do loads of different simple things. I also can be kind of naive and a little too trusting.

15. Which Hogwarts House do you think that the Sorting Hat would place you in? Gryffindor. I get really loyal and protective of my friends and family. I try my hardest at whatever I'm doing and carry a certain amount of pride. I'm also a Leo.

16. Do you care which gender you are stamped as (If yes, tell us which gender you would like to be stamped as)? Not really.

17. Anything else?

18. If you have a picture of yourself and feel comfortable posting it, please do so! Pictures are fun!

It's an awkward face I'm making but yes~ that's the most recent one.

ginny weasley

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