I'm with the vampires,of course

Aug 02, 2008 06:53

About You…
Name: Brianna Jewel but that's a mouthful so you can call me Bree
Nicknames or Aliases: B.J.,Bree
Gender: Female.
Same Gender Stamp? Either.
Age: 27
Location: California
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well:
'Nothings gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Demons may charm you with  smile 
but in time...'
Your Favorite Quote:
Likes: musicals,British films ( they just seem wiser and better than American same with Japanese cinema), fine art,reading, graphic design, film, writing, animation, puzzles, napping
Dislikes: Humidity, allergies,biology,religious fanatics, pointless gore
Talents: singing,writing,drawing
Hobbies: shopping,writing,observing
Astrological Sign: leo
Three Positive Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: bubbly,optimistic,protective
Three Negative Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: unmotivated,headstrong

A Little Deeper…
What Were You Like as a Child? girly
What Career Did You Dream of? teacher
What is the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? my friends
What is the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? mental institution
What is Your Biggest Fear? losing a loved one

Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? Eclipse, North an South, I love manga
Favorite Movie(s)? stardust,across the universe,corpse bride
Favorite Artist(s)? Duffy,Miley Cryus, Britney Spears,Christina Aguliara
Favorite Music(s)? pop and rock, '40s inspired music
Favorite Place(s)?shopping mall
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? Disneyland,I loved getting lost in my own world

About Twilight…
What is your Favorite Part from Any of The Books? (It‘s okay to choose a few bits if you can‘t decide.)

Which Character(s) Do You Relate to The Most?learning Rosalie's past and Alice's history.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Friends With? Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, Charlie, Jacob(even though Edward is so much better!!! but no matter how much I adore Edward, I just dont have any friends that intense..plus, who could be just friends with him?!! hah)
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Romantically Involved With? Edward, of course. Possibly Jasper or Emmett
If You Could Sit Down and Talk to Any Character Who Would it be? Probably Alice. I adore her. Shes so energetic!!
Your Favorite Quotes from The Books: 
"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end."
 "It's healthy to ditch class now and then."
"like a three-dimensional paper doll"
Please Link to Three Applications You Have Voted On:

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