About You…
Name: Patricia Vera
Nicknames or Aliases: Nyu, Saki, Aishitenai
Gender: Female
Same Gender Stamp? I don't really care...
Age: 16
Location: Lima, Peru
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well: "I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky" (Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway)
Your Favorite Quote: "What do you want? You don't want to be happy, 'cause that's easy and boring. You don't want just to love, 'cause that's imposible. What do you want? You want to justify your life." (Coelho - The Witch of Portobello)
Likes: Arts, graphic gesign, singing, books, writing, music, being with my friends, to watch the sky, the city, to take photos
Dislikes: Close-minds
Talents: My friends tell me that I'm a good writer, also a good graphic designer and photographer.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, graphic design,
Astrological Sign: Aries
Three Positive Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: Idealistic (that's good?), caring, reliable
Three Negative Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You: Lazy, stubborn, imprudent
A Little Deeper…
What Were You Like as a Child? Well, I tend to be the typical "first-place" girl. Shy, with just a couple of friends, introverted, too emotional, always doing what my parents wanted... a good girl, I think.
What Career Did You Dream of? Graphic Designer or Fashion Designer
What is the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? When I decided that it was time to change my life. I've been trying to be not-so-introverted and to show myself as I am and not what people want me to be.
What is the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You? I don't know... maybe when a school friend betrayed me, I was young and it was a hard to overcome.
What is Your Biggest Fear? Spiders? Well no... I think that being alone, it terrifies me.
Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)? Twilight serie, The Silver Kiss, Ethan between Us, Romeo and Juliet, Eleven Minutes, The Witch of Portobello, Brida
Favorite Movie(s)? If Only, The Nightmare before Christmas (and almost all Tim Burton movies), Memories of a Geisha, Brokeback Mountain, Spirited Away, X-Men, Howl's Moving Castle
Favorite Artist(s)? I don't have a favorite one...
Favorite Music(s)? Within Temptation, Lena Park, Janne Da Arc, Abigndon Boys School, Xandria, Edguy, Lifehouse, Goo Goo Dolls, Barlow Girl, The Fray
Favorite Place(s)? My room (not my house, just my room)
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory? Well, I remember that when I was in pre-school, I had a friend that treated me as his "girlfriend" (inocent love~), and we danced together in the graduation lol maybe that...
About Twilight…
What is your Favorite Part from Any of The Books? (It‘s okay to choose a few bits if you can‘t decide.) In Eclipse, when Edward took her to the meadow for second time. He wanted her to be happy, but she was looking for everyone's happiness. Also in Eclipse, when he proposed to her, it was... different, and I like it! And in Twilight, when the bad guys tried to harm Bella and Edward rescued her (yeah, I'm a romatic...)
Which Character(s) Do You Relate to The Most? Bella, I guess. I'm clumsy, sensible, and caring. Also, I would give everything for my loved one.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Friends With? Alice! I love her personality and I'd love to go shopping with her. Also Emmett (let's say that my best friend is like him), Bella and Angela.
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Romantically Involved With? Edward. Who doesn't love him? He's the perfect gentleman, always caring for his loved one and supporting her.
If You Could Sit Down and Talk to Any Character Who Would it be? Everyone, I think. They all have interesting stories but... maybe, Carlisle. I would ask him lots of questions (somehow like Bella).
Your Favorite Quotes from The Books:
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it."
"Do you ever think that your life might be easier if you weren’t in love with me?"
"Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew - knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you.
I'd been broken beyond repair."
"You're exacly my brand of heroin."
Please Link to Three Applications You Have Voted On:
http://community.livejournal.com/stamp_twilight/29932.html http://community.livejournal.com/stamp_twilight/29646.html http://community.livejournal.com/stamp_twilight/29164.html Sorry for my bad English xD