okay I had to repost mine i am sorry kill me if you want but i realised i left stuff out and was hort with some answers and to be better stamped i figured i would fix mine up. stamp me again please i am sorries XD i will leave the older oen up if you want to move your vote over here i will delete it later or head mod can do that.. i am a idiot i know XD
i didn't change much really and you don't have to change your stamp either XD
About You…
Nicknames or Aliases:
tei, star, t-l, bitch, mizu
Same Gender Stamp?
doesn't matter who ever fits
28 [29 in feb]
hell on earth.. okay texas.. hopefully i will be moving soon i hate the heat here i want cold weather or warm weather like california
A Snippet From A Song That Suits You Well:
She's beautiful as usual
with bruises on her ego and
her killer instinct tells her to
be aware of evil men
And that's what you get for falling again
you can never get him outta your head
And that's what you get for falling again
you can never get him outta your head
-pretty girl by sugarcult
Your Favorite Quote: [this is my favorite for the moment]
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
dancing, singing, shopping, reading, listening to music, traveling, watching movies, snow, cold weather, sunshine [non humid], the beach, hanging with friends, talking on the phone, thunder/lightening storms
stupid people, asshats, most vegetables, heat, being lied to, rap music, people not respecting me, being treated like i am stupid when i am far from it.
Talents: acting, shopping, klutziness, graphics, dancing... gah i can't think of other things... ohh yeah i have a strange talent to sometime depending on the person to pick up on their feelings or if something is wrong... even in the person is in another state... it is weird i just have a rush of a feeling and i know something is wrong... and it kills me when i call and they don't answer or if i don't see them or whatever... or even at work or with friend if they are feeling anxious depending on how close i am with them i feel it... sometimes it is a bad thing cause i work in a call center and if the person i am talking to on the phone is pissed off i tend to feel it and get angryish lol... it is like that where ever... i am mostly a introvert i like to be alone and all but i can be a extrovert when around a lot of people... it is just weird.. i am screwy even my star chart says so... i am a content contradict myself.. okay i totally got off topic LOL
graphic designs, listening music, watching movies, shopping, talking, texting, sleeping, collecting quotes and putting them in a notebook, making graphics... sleeping
Astrological Sign:
sun pisces [but i am on the cusp]
moon sagittarius
ascending gemini
Three Positive Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You:
I am dependable/loyal to a fault and sometimes I take back friends that have hurt me deeply.
My energy can be insanely intense that i can drive peopel crazy.
I am stronger than i think i am most the time. I have been through hell and back and still here i stand even if i don't think i am strong.
Three Negative Words or Brief Phrases That Describe You:
insecure with myself. i never feel i am good enough. i can have a serious temper at times.
A Little Deeper…
What Were You Like as a Child?
Erm.. i was slightly happy troubled felt that i couldn't do much right, felt as if i was in the dark about so much... that i was born in the wrong place and time... to the wrong family.
What Career Did You Dream of?
i wanted to be a actress/model.lawyer/doctor all at once... oh yeah and a writer and a singer...
What is the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You?
moving out on my own... erm.. i can't really think of the best things right now... not sure if there is any other than I have a job XD
What is the Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to You?
honestly if you want to know that you would need to friend me, that and read my mind, i have been through some hells that no person should ever go through. honestly i feel like i am damaged goods and broken beyond repair...
What is Your Biggest Fear?
falling in love and never falling in love, i fear failing, being alone truly alone... i can be alone and not be alone... but being completely alone scares me.
Your Favorites…
Favorite Book(s)?
anything lori wick, twilight series, the bone doll's twin series, and harry potter... ther eis others those are the main ones that i can think of
Favorite Movie(s)?
the princes bride... jeez i have a lot of them but prince bride is most fav because yeah... i love pretty much all sorts of movies
Favorite Artist(s)?
loreena mckennitt... i love most music XD
Favorite Music(s)?
celtic, classical, rock, alternative, pop and some country but celtic is my favorite is the most smoothing when my nerves are out of wack and they are out of wack a lot
Favorite Place(s)?
my bedroom covered in my blankets with a good book with just enough light to read... it is my safest place.
What is Your Favorite Childhood Memory?
erm... can't really recall one.. honestly I really can't think of one that was a favorite. sad.
About Twilight…
What is your Favorite Part from Any of The Books?
Bella punching Jacob... Edward coming back... the bedroom scene where they are kissing and bella is taking off her clothes and driving edward crazy lol... the volturie... Erm Edwards and bella first kiss XD... Jasper/Rosalie's story
Which Character(s) Do You Relate to The Most?
Alice - she was in the dark before she was a vampire and i feel that way a lot about many things, her eagerness and willing to forgive things, she sees past things and is loyal to a fault to her family and friends. she is spunky and i can be...
Bella - her feeling like she doesn't exactly belong well until the cullens, how she feels her brain is on some other wave link, her klutziness i am the queen of klutziness ask anyone at work..
Jasper - only mostly because of the whole feelings thing, but i can't change how people feel i just feel there feelings... That and i fight hard to be who I am be what is suppose to be normal.. I fight anxiety and depression among other things...
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Friends With?
Alice - I need a shopping partner
Jasper - I need the friend that can calm me down when I need to or hell help me sleep
Bella - we can be klutzs together however I am sure
Emmett - When i need to laugh and need a bear hug XD
Angela - To just be there she si a perfect friend that will distract and won't ask questions well let you bring the stuff up if you want I love Angela
Which Character(s) Can You Imagine Being Romantically Involved With?
Probably Jasper I have a thing for the tormented soul i suppose or the guy who is more danerous for me... lol besides that he would be very healthy for me cure all my anxiety issues panic attacks depression... perfect match. XD Then again Edward runs a very close second.
If You Could Sit Down and Talk to Any Character Who Would it be
Carlisle or one of the Volturie because I would love to learn everything from them that they could teach me... they have been around longer than anyone has and can give you first hand knowlage that a book could never give you.
Your Favorite Quotes from The Books:
"I don't care who's a werewolf, and who's a vampire, and if Angela turns out to be a witch she can join the party too."
- Bella Swan
"You've experienced the way I can manipulate the emotions around myself, Bella, but I wonder if you realize how the feelings in a room affect me. I live every day in a climate of emotion. For the first century of my life, I lived in a world of bloodthirsty vengeance. Hate was my constant companion."
- Jasper Hale
"I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be willing to take a bet against you, Alice, but it has arrived."
- Bella Swan
"Here's the thing. . .I've already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are."
- Bella Swan
"Edward's only human, Bella. He's going to react like any other boy."
- Angela Weber
"I never thought I needed to teach you how to throw a punch. Guess I was wrong about that."
- Charlie Swan
"This hostage stuff is fun."
- Alice Cullen
"'And so the lion fell in love with the lamb...,' he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
'What a stupid lamb,' I sighed.
'What a sick, masochistic lion.'"
-- Edward and Bella