1) Name: Nerrin
2) Age: 14. Maybe a little too young, but screw that.
3) Your main positive traits: Don’t have any. This is personal opinion. However, I’ll just say that I’m a good listener and a fairly open-minded person.
4) Your main negative traits: I’m selfish, stubborn, and direct to the point of being outright rude. Self-absorbed, and distant unless you’re close to me. I actually enjoy distancing myself.
Can be over-serious about things. Gets annoyed at almost everything and anything. Antisocial to a degree. I’m very apathetic - there is nothing I can truly care about as a human being right now. I have the tendency to start dreaming anytime, anywhere - I enjoy immersing myself in shonen fantasy too much sometimes, because reality is something I would rather abandon altogether. I also seem to need anger management. Also, I am an asshole - a total, complete asshole.
There’s too many to list, and I can’t think of anything else for now.
5) This makes you =D: My friends managing to coax me into going on crack-mode. (Hail, Juice. “Do you SLASH?”) And general open-mindedness. Times I can laugh at the human race. So amusing.
6) This makes you ;'(: Sudden moments of depression (they come at random times), and pretty much a touching friendship story without the shojo, without the sparkles and bubbles and the pink backdrop. I feel the insane urge to kill whenever I see such things. And psychological angst - if it exists.
7) This makes you >:(:
- Overly girly humans/things/situations
- Bimbos and himbos who are even more self-absorbed than I am
- Whiners, complainers
- Those who cannot accept an opinion other than their own
- Noisy idiots who don’t know when to shut up
- Crowds and huge groups
- Homogenous crap. Spare me.
- Homophobes should grow brains and some common sense.
- People who cannot handle what I say. If you want to be a wussy little shit about it, go piss somewhere else.
- Someone making my personal decisions for me
- Generic, materialistic snobs, quoth Mr Han. Such people end up at the top of our school’s social ladder. What a modern tragedy.
- Too many to list and therefore not bothering to type down the mountain-range-long list. Under long-term exposure, I might just blow up or something. Not healthy.
8) What animal stereotype (donkey=dumb, dog=loyal ect.) do you think fits you the most? Don’t know, don’t care. I’m human, fear me.
9) What do you value the most in your friends?: That they have the ability to get me annoyed, irritated, and pissy at them yet still make me smile on other days. It shows that they’re human.
10) Do you think taking a human's life can be justified?: Yes.
11) How would you like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to end?: With a sunset moment. And maybe a bloodbath before that. Mukuro discovers he’s an Indian Prince, Xanxus becomes the Tenth, Tsuna dies, and Longchamp joins the Varia.
12) What do you want to do with your life?: Go somewhere.
Music is life!
13) Your theme song is? Thanks for the Memories - Fall Out Boy. Or, maybe, I just feel like dedicating this to all my previous classes in school over the years.
14) If you were to play in a band, what would you do? Sing.
What would you do if faced with these cirumstances.
15) If someone really died and made you king, would you take the chance? No. I don’t really care. I don’t like people looking up to me for advice - humans should learn to solve their own personal problems.
16) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are.: Get out, and pick up as many important objects as possible on the way. I assume that my family members are smart people with enough common sense to run.
17) A complete stranger is hitting on you!: Screw you, darling.
P.S: No one would hit on me anyway. Under certain circumstances, I would talk back and test his intelligence, or make a polite exchange. That is all.
18) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. Ah. Money. Take. Everything else - throw it away.
19) Is there anything you would sacrifice your own life for? Myself.
Pick one
20) Party/Reading: Reading. I’ve said before that parties are noisy, useless congregations for generic sluts and himbos. I do not wish to associate with such a species.
21) 2 million dollars/A friend for life: Two million dollars. We are all the same decaying organic matter. I’ll grow into a wrinkled prune soon enough, and so will everyone else. Humans die all the time.
22) Never be able to give compliments again/Have a cold for the rest of your life: The former option. I hate colds.
23) Do you sleep with plushies? No.
24) Which Reborn! character would you rather spend a day as? None of them. I wouldn’t want to take away their individuality.
25) If you had the chance to start over with your life, would you take it?: No; I doubt I’d be patient enough to wait through more years of torture via human means - even if it meant me picking the right choices and actually ending at the top of the social ladder. I don’t live to take part in popularity contests. Even then, I'd be my old, immature self. I don't want that.
26) Something that very few know about you: There’s still a part in me who just wants to be all BANG!, loud, and cranky, but...HUH.
27) Anything else? I have never met a person in my school with a common mindset. Neither have I met someone who isolates himself/herself from the crowd not because people shun him/her, but because he/she doesn’t want to be bothered. There are no ‘me’ clones. Wonderful.