May 06, 2008 23:31


1) Name: Kendra // bellumina
2) Age: eighteen


3) Your main positive traits. I'm intelligent and know when it's appropriate to be loud and obnoxious and when it's appropriate to be quiet and fairly respectful. I'm outgoing when I meet new people. I typically don't judge people by stereotypes. I know what I want; I'm ambitious, and fairly confident in myself. I'm a very creative person. I am not easily swayed by what the cultural mass mind thinks; I am my own person, and I make my own decisions. I try to be honest, and tell the truth whenever possible. I'm open, and the only things I really lie about are things that might hurt people if they find out about them. I give good advice and am a fairly decent mediator. I'm really liberal, and don't judge people by their sexuality, appearance or religion. I'm also witty and I have a sense of humour.

4) Your main negative traits Contrary to what I said up above, I DO respect people who follow organised religion; however, if you're totally brainwashed and can't think for yourself, and if religion is put on a higher pedestal than everything else, and if you preach it all the time -- I immediately think less of you.

I have a tendency to want to impress people/show off. I'm messy. I get angry and irritated very easily, and people are often intimidated or scared of my somewhat abrasive attitude sometimes. I complain a lot -- even when I don't mean it. I'm opinionated, and my confidence sometimes borders arrogance -- I am a bit pushy, at times. Despite this, I'm a bit insecure with my physical image and how I come off to others. I consider myself above people -- particularly people younger than I am -- and tend to put down people without really meaning to. I'm a downer, and perhaps a lot of that is due to my tendency to daydream and set really high standards for my life -- some of which are unattainable.

Despite being a romantic, I don't really like being touched unless I enjoy the person's company THAT MUCH, and I have never said "I love you" seriously to anybody. I don't like showing affection to my family. I am surprisingly lacking in compassion and empathy, and I don't really care much about other people. I'm selfish, and I know it. I have terrible will-power. I hate apologising to people, and will not do it unless forced. I don't like looking people in the eye when I talk, and sometimes people feel like I'm being insincere because of that. I'm nosy, and tend to get involved in things I shouldn't be involved in.

5) This makes you =D Rain, coffee, hot chocolate, tea, good food, daydreaming, music, concerts, roleplaying, writing, remembering really great times in my life, going on vacation to foreign locations, making lists, people who have similar interests, Psyclon Nine, psychology, philosophy, reading, Code Geass, anime/manga, movies/books/animes with protagonists who are morally ambiguous, the internet, art and photographs, hanging out with friends, candy/chocolate/cookies/sweets in general.

6) This makes you ;'( Being totally alone, being ignored, stress, missing friends I haven't seen in ages, falling outs with friends, being lectured by people in positions of authority -- especially when I've done nothing wrong, getting shitty grades when I know I deserved a higher one, rejection, having no money whatsoever.

7) This makes you >:( Fruits and veggies in general, really hot weather, really cold weather, assholes, stupidity, ignorance, conservatives, George W. Bush, the current American government, the role religion has in government, organised religion in general, people talking really loudly in the middle of class, getting exploited, re-explaining things I've already said a hundred times, naivete, people not paying me back after borrowing money.

8) What animal stereotype (donkey=dumb, dog=loyal ect.) do you think fits you the most? A bull -- because I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet.


9) What do you value the most in your friends? Loyalty, an understanding of what I'm like, generosity, a sense of humour, and intellect.

10) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified? Definitely.

11) How would you like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to end? I don't know. I don't like Tsuna, so I'd like something unfortunate to happen to him, but that's very unlikely.

12) What do you want to do with your life? I'd like to be a writer. That's my ultimate goal in life, though I have always wanted to be a musician as well -- if I could find a band, I'd love singing for one.

Music is life!

13) Your theme song is? Faith : Disease by Psyclon Nine. And since people were CLEARLY too lazy to read the lyrics/ listen to the song last time, I'll just snag the words and post them here:

Faith, Disease, my right to end your life
We see the lie behind the light
Droves of human waste
Darkened by their own depression
We serve ourselves defy the word of God
Free will is the key to salvation
Look to the heavens to see the sky burnt black
Look to the end where time is turning back
You’re left with nothing and your eyes are empty
Your path is death and your faith’s a disease
Your faith bleeds on a broken cross
Your faith will only bring you loss
Your faith bears to great a cost
Through his righteousness the earth defiled

14) If where to play in a band, what would you do? Sing, because I can't play an instrument. Also, I actually CAN sing.


What would you do if faced with those cirumstances.

15)If someone really died and made you king, would you take the chance? Yes. And the first fucking thing I'd do is get rid of religion.

16) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are. ...If I got out, they probably got out. And, yeah, I may care about them, but I have a very strong sense of self-preservation and wouldn't jeopardise myself to save someone else.

17) A complete stranger is hitting on you! If he's attractive, that's fine by me.

18) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. I'd keep the money. If I knew the person, though, I might give the money back -- only if I was close to them, though.

19) Is there anything you would sacrifice your own life for? No. Ironically, the way I plan on dying is killing myself by age seventy, which is technically dying in order to save myself from a life where I wouldn't be what I used to be.

Pick one

20) Party/Reading Reading. Maybe party, but I'd have to be in the mood.

21) 2 million dollar/A friend for life Friends for life are hard to come by. If it's absolutely guaranteed that the friend would BE LOYAL and stay by my side, maybe. But then on second thought, there's always the possibility that I might get sick of that person.

Two million bucks is looking to be the best bet.

22) Never be able to give compliments again/Have a cold for the rest of your life I'd prefer to never give out another compliment. I hate getting colds.


23) Do you sleep with plushies? No.

24) Which Reborn! character would you rather spend a day as? Byakuran, because he's on top of the world and has a lot of fun -- even though he's not my favourite character.

25) If you had the chance to start over with your life, would you take it? Possibly. I'd have to think long and hard about it, though.

26) Something that a very few know about you I love the smell of cigarettes, and I smoke cigarettes and clove cigarettes every once in a while, but the real reason I do it is because the smell reminds me of someone, and it makes me really sad whenever I toss the butt onto the ground because it's like the end of another memory.

27) Anything else?

Uhh. This is a reapplication because I was stamped as Lambo and that's so off I don't even know what to say. So, I've added a lot more stuff, but haven't really changed any answers -- unless I thought about it afterwards and realised that I'd do something slightly different.

stamped!xanxus, stamped!v1, stamped!tyl!squalo

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