Jul 24, 2008 11:11
1) Name: Bri
2) Age: Alright, I'll tell this time around. Fifteen. <3!
3) Your main positive traits Well, I'm kind, caring, I love to try and help people as much as I can, smiling is usually all i do. Laughing, and joking aswell. 4) Your main negative traits I'm really lazy, I like to ignore any instruction given to me, I sleep too much. If thats negative. o-o;;
5) This makes you =D Ohohoh! Candy, and happy songs like Caramelldansen, and bright colours. Kitties and puppies. 8D! Short answers too.!
6) This makes you ;'( Seeing someone or something close to me in pain, storms, spiders, any kind of bug you could think of. Frogs, boogers (Nasty, they make me x.x;; too), being hurt myself. Heartbreak, love. I could go on.
7) This makes you >:( My sister, children under the age of eleven. When I get itterupted from filling out stuff like this, if i stop I'll never finish. Rap music; some Jpop music; my piano keyboard thingy which currently needs batteries and is pissing me off. Lemonade.
8) What animal stereotype (donkey=dumb, dog=loyal ect.) do you think fits you the most? Uh. . .I dunno. what did i say last time?! We'll go with. . wolf this time since I can't remember.
9) What do you value the most in your friends? The fact that even if I am a cranky betch, they stay by my side. ;o;
10) Do you think taking a humans life can be justified? Some can, some can't. Depends.
11) How would you like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to end? WHYENDIT!?!? Er; Nicely?
12) What do you want to do with your life? Can you say, piles of answering fail? I don't know, I'm only fifteen.
Music is life!
13) Your theme song is? Uhhh; . . . . .
14) If you were to play in a band, what would you do? Bass; since I already play it. 8D Just not ina band.
What would you do if faced with these cirumstances.
15) If someone really died and made you king, would you take the chance? Well; I could. But then I would be fail. Because I can't seem to do things right recently. But maybe.
16) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are. 'WHATTHELIVINGHELL!? WHYISMYHOUSEBURNING,WHENDIDITSTART!?' Then i would promptly gather my pets and leave. Call 911 and tell them there could be invisible magical people i never knew about inside. e.e;;
17) A complete stranger is hitting on you! o//o GOTHEFUCKAWAY,YES?!
18) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms. o//o! Comdoms, Money!/ What has the world come to? Take the money, leave the condoms. >>; No sex from me, thankkkks.
19) Is there anything you would sacrifice your own life for? Obviously the people close to me..
Pick one
20) Party/Reading Reading. Yeah, I have not a life yet. I'm chained to my house,
21) 2 million dollars/A friend for life 2million please? Friends aren't generous in that area.
22) Never be able to give compliments again/Have a cold for the rest of your life
No more compliments from me; Go die. 8D I don't want a cold.
23) Do you sleep with plushies? YES Ofcoursenot!
24) Which Reborn! character would you rather spend a day as? Hibari or Dino. I'd have to say.
25) If you had the chance to start over with your life, would you take it?
Nope. I regret nothing.
26) Something that very few know about you
Uh. I like to sew, and I like to bake. o.o;; Strangely enough, I also used to take Tai Kwom Do, and specialized in weaponry forms. Odddd?
27) Anything else?
I just had to repost this under a cut, and I made my answers less. . .er shitty sounding. AND I FIXED MY TITLE!