EXTREME! ...wut ?

May 03, 2008 01:34


1) Name: Diana
2) Age: 19
3) Does it matter if you get rated as a boy or a girl? I usually prefer my gender but ah well shoot me ! *waves white flag*


4) Your main positive traits etooo, i think that i'm pretty honest and open minded and most of all i'm a playful girl

5) Your main negative traits Hm, i'm a bit depressive and perhaps a bit too agressive at times

6) This makes you =D Pretzels,Anime, Manga, Books, Gardening, art, beaches, gardens, stargazing, planetariums, oceanaries, collecting figurines from animes and games, tv-series, video-games, mythology, ancient history, little children, english classes, french, graphics, Drawing, reading, writting (....) etc.

7) This makes you ;c Spicy food, sociology teacher, waking up at 6am...Allergies

8) This makes you >:( Bus in the early morning! My classmates when they're being noisy, ignorants, rude people, being bothered or mocked for drawing manga


9) What do you value the most in your friends? Their honesty and well at some point the close relationship

10) The meaning of life is? Dude does it have a specific meaning? If so i am a bit ignorant *laughs* I think that life is what we build and nothing else

11) How would you like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to end? Well no one ever wants goodies to end eh ? but if the author turns it moronic, ever it should end xD but of course it'd go with a no

12) Are we born with our personality, our are we shaped by the cirumstances? We are shaped with circunstances, definitly

Music is life!

13) Your theme song is? I have three according to people....
- Goodbye to you: Michelle Branch
- Dearly Beloved: Kingdom Hearts II
- Last Regrets: Kanon

All have explanations, the first one is the one that i identify myself with the most...the second was the song that i used the most on my blog and people started saying that they reminded of me when they heard it *laughs* and the last one...Well when i was in this comm that had the theme of stamping us according to the music that they thought that fitted the best, i got this one xD

14) If where to play in a band, what would you do? If i were to play in a band...I'd probably be a vocalist, i love to sing and i suck at playing instruments *sweatdrop* although i wouldn't mind trying the guitar!


What would you do if faced with those cirumstances.

15) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are.
I'd probably search for them, of course i'd be a bit freaked out ne, like OMFG THE HOUSE IS BURNING Owo but i'd try to remain cool till my ashma started doing it's effect, then i'd get worried, very worried but i'd still search for them!

16) In times of war, could you kill someone to protect yourself and the ones dear to you?
Geez...I don't like the idea of taking a life...But if they were threatning my dear ones...I'd kill them without a blink

17) A complete stranger is hitting on you! I'd probably get twitchy and ask him to stop, if he didn't i'd probably tell him that if he didn't leave me alone i'd call the next person that i found in the street and tell them to call the cops *sweatdrop* But what i'd probably probably would do was bitchslapping him if he came too close

18) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms.

I'd probably take it to the police station, ok money, drivers license and a pair of condoms...Probably my first thought would be "Roflmao, someone's not having it tonight"

Pick one

19) Daily life arc/Kokuyou arc/Varia arc/Future arc Future arc

20) Party/Reading Reading owo

21) 2 million dollar/A friend for life Dude, friend for a life

22) Never be able to give compliments again/Have a cold for the rest of your life dude o_o what kind of maso you think i am ?....none


23) Do you sleep with plushies? Riku-kun keeps me happy at night :3 yep !

24) Which Reborn! character would you rather spend a day as? er...o-o.....Gokudera, i'd love to go completly insane for one day since i'm too calm at times and racional

25) If you had the chanse to start over with your life, would you take it? If it gets really bad i'd think about it, but right now i'm already starting all over so it'd be a bit pointless eh ?

26) If you could choose one thing to become really, really good at, what would it be?
Ballet....It was my childhood dream along with being a kindergarten teacher, being a ballerina...That or being a good singer/guitar player ...ok i'd love to improve REALLY REALLY much on my art but the first ones are the ones that i'd want

27) Anything else? Anooo, nope dude!

stamped!haru, stamped!v1

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