May 03, 2008 07:28


1) Name: Ria :D
2) Age: 15~
3) Does it matter if you get rated as a boy or a girl? Uhh no? :D


4) Your main positive traits
I wouldn't know.. D: But I've been told I'm cool on occasion. I can do a little humor, (I think?) I can draw, I'm a little too nitty-pricky about semantics, but hey~

5) Your main negative traits
I complain, I'm annoying, and I come off as too serious or negative/strong, says my peers :[

6) This makes you =D Music, art, anime/manga, friends, you, all that shazam.

7) This makes you ;c
Oh~ unexpected things in general. :( I don't like this whole, life thing, where you don't know what's gonna happen next. That, and writer's block.

8) This makes you >:(
When I'm hungry, sleepy, or generally feeling weak. I hate that, and I get cranky. xD Oh, and posers, illiterates and tweenies.


9) What do you value the most in your friends?
Their company and care. :) I seriously love all my friends and treasure them because they, no matter how long/short I've known them, they're part of my life.

10) The meaning of life is?
42? Oh uhh. Personally, it's just being a justified person, with good beliefs, good actions and self-control, and just being surrounded by good people. :3

11) How would you like Katekyo Hitman Reborn! to end?
I DON'T WANT IT TO END :( b-but I don't want it to end up like One Piece, either... don't get me wrong, I love OP xD I just can't keep up!

12) Are we born with our personality, our are we shaped by the cirumstances?
Shaped. Definitely shaped.

Music is life!

13) Your theme song is?
Velvet by Alice Nine. :D

14) If where to play in a band, what would you do?
Vocalist of guitarist. :D


What would you do if faced with those cirumstances.

15) Your house is burning. A lot. You have no idea where the other occupants of the house are.
Cuss alot. o,o W-while running around and calling for help (or the occupants, to check where they are) and seeing if there's a way I can go in.

16) In times of war, could you kill someone to protect yourself and the ones dear to you?
I wouldn't know, since we're not really in a time of war, but now that I think about it, I probably would be very hesitant at first, but it'll be insticts. To protect them, at least.

17) A complete stranger is hitting on you!

18) You find a wallet on the street. It contains a lot of money, a drivers license, and two condoms.
L-lol. Condoms. Uhhhm. I honestly would just ignore it on the ground. ;|

Pick one

19) Daily life arc/Kokuyou arc/Varia arc/Future arc
Daily life is fun. :D

20) Party/Reading
Party, but it depends who are the guests.

21) 2 million dollar/A friend for life
Ooh~ 2 million please. ._. *brutally honest* I mean, friendships always come and go. It's a part of life, eh.

22) Never be able to give compliments again/Have a cold for the rest of your life
Eh? Why is this thing so hard. Uuhmm. T-the first one. .__. Because I don't like having a cold, ever ever ever. *sniff*


23) Do you sleep with plushies?
No, but lots of pillows.

24) Which Reborn! character would you rather spend a day as?
As?? Ooh~ damn. Uhh. Dino or Hibari, lol.

25) If you had the chanse to start over with your life, would you take it?
Yuck. I don't wanna go through his hellhole again. ;o But if only to redo certain parts, then maybe. o.o;

26) If you could choose one thing to become really, really good at, what would it be?
Art. :D O-or singing. I dunno. |||orz

27) Anything else?

stamped!tyl!lambo, stamped!v1

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