Aug 02, 2010 00:32
Серии довольно глупые, но есть 2 великолепных прикола:
1. He thinks:
- From the way this code was written, I guess its author is female.
2. She says:
- Your code is so great, it made me so excited... No, reading your code made me a little wet...
И шикарный, поэтичный, невероятно красивый эпиграф:
What comes and goes within those dull, dry pair of eyes?
What he lost, what he gained?..
And what he saw in the infinite outskirts of the Internet*,
Inside the virtual reality, the complex code - what is he thinking about?
Where do these unseen dreams go?
If truth can be found from the memories slipping through the fingers of forgetfulness...
That story shall be told, when we have a chance to do so again.
* на бесконечных окраинах Интернета