Live Journal Still Exists

Aug 30, 2018 20:33

Hello Live Journal,

I didn't know you'd still be there for me even though I'm definitely an adult now. I thought you would have gone the way of MySpace, or have been sold to some other platform unwittingly or combining user agreements and marketing like Yahoo/FLICKR/OATH/Verizon. The sites I used to frequent in my 20's I barely visit anymore...I wonder why. I guess I am not seeking out new music (happy with the same artists with new stuff). I don't frequent Deviant Art anymore because I have my own website now (paid for url and hosting and email!!). I haven't posted to Sound Cloud in about 4 years as I got busy? with work?? But I still play the cello. And my blog on culinary experiments, well maybe I should revisit that one...I had to make a lot of dietary changes around the big 30 and well let's just say gluten free cooking is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't post to Flickr anymore because I kinda fell in love with Instagram. Smart phones made taking pictures so much easier. Well, decent pictures. Not the kind you can print out and enjoy at various sizes larger than a 5"x7", just the "I sent you this cool pic you can look at and cherish on your own phone" sized photos.

Anyway, thanks for still being there.

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