Modern Day Renaissance Woman

Dec 29, 2009 12:18

That's what I consider myself to be. Naturally though I didn't think of such a cool title myself. It happened last year around this time when I was working at the magnet school and sharing a classroom with the music teacher. She asked me one day about my hobbies after I had procured a copy of "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night for one of her lessons.

Renaissance man (or woman) means: A person with many talents or interests (especially in the humanities).

I really am working on a myriad of projects at the same time right now. But I don't work on them steadily at set times. It simply happens when I'm inspired or have made a major decision about something. In this entry, I'm going to attempt to catalog the various projects that I'm working on, or have been working on the past year that I need to remember to pay attention to.


The Abstract Painting (almost done I swear-I've actually gessoed over parts several times).

The Black Paper Sketchbook (for life drawings using colored pencils/oil pastels). I use this sketchbook mainly for practice sessions of natural things.

The Hardcover Sketchbook (for analog drawings and heavy emotions). There is no specific media in this sketchbook. I usually start with a feeling and move on from there. It is very personal but lately I'm okay with sharing it. Maybe this means I am reaching a new level of emotional maturity.

Photography (This is supposed to be my medium. The one I concentrated in while becoming an art teacher). I haven't had the opportunity to teach it yet, nor have done much in the way of photographing events. Lately I am just focusing on purely artistic moments to capture and manipulate in my brand new versions of Lightroom and Photoshop.


The Funk/Jazz Song (I started it on Garage Band just a few weeks after I got my new computer. I was inspired mostly by Medeski, Martin and Wood. I haven't worked on it for 2 weeks but it's getting there.

Demo Tape (I haven't given up on being a real radio personality). I've recorded my voice before and I swear I could totally be on NPR. I have a natural soothing sound to my voice. I was signed up to take a voice acting class this year but it fell through due to low enrollment. All I really have to do is record my own demo tape and send it to various stations and hope for the best. I never really considered a career in radio--it's just something I really enjoy doing.

Recording Sounds and Making Music (Anyone who has hung out with me lately and has learnt about my bizarre ideas such as the "Sick" Exhibit or recording the sound my trunk makes when you open it probably has a basic recollection of what I'm trying for here). I love the sounds of modern life that most people ignore (or try really hard to ignore) and want to make something of them.


My Life With the Bickersons (a working title) (This is the book in which I write about my parents interactions with each other and myself). They are quite a pair. I have only written a few entries thus far, but they are all hilarious in the fact that the way my parents interact and express love is definitely not a typical affectionate way. I like to think I could have my own stand up comic routine based on their antics.

Culinary Experiments with a Touch of Dry Humor (Oh yes-this is another blog). But it has a cooking theme. I started it a few weeks ago during the annual Christmas Cookie Marathon. I figured that I'm not a bad cook but I could use more confidence and what better way to get it than to really analyze my experiments with photos, hints, and warnings to anyone else who tries them out.

Dream Journal (I've had this baby since high school but lately I've been writing in a lot of different sources). I have dreams unlike most peoples. There's sometimes huge story lines that I can actively manipulate while dreaming. There is usually action and adventure involved. I mean, I figure if James Cameron can make an epic like Avatar from a dream, then I can too.


Art Teacher (This part should be familiar). However, I haven't had a steady job at all this year. I had one long-term sub position for 2 months. I have been subbing randomly when I feel like it since then, but it's totally not the same. I seriously miss being an art teacher and there aren't any jobs posted either that I've seen remotely close to where I live. I'm not really worried (as the economy is really that bad) but at the same time I couldn't sit here idly biding my time for something to happen. So I decided to commit to a Masters in Art Therapy and start taking Psychology pre-requisites that I need to even apply to the program. Call me crazy (it's 2 years of full time masters (includes summer and clinicals) but it's the only natural progression I can see looking forward to. I still like people and art and I'll be adding to my current profession. Plus my mom thinks it's a super idea-(it's actually hard to gain her full approval on most things).

projects, radio, renaissance woman, art

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