Aug 10, 2009 23:11

Title:  Cupcakes
Author: grenyarnia     
Challenge: drabble123 
Fandom: 30 Rock 
Pairing: Jack/Liz 
Table:  Random One 
Prompt: #20, Writer's Choice
Rating: PG 
Word Count: 300 
Spoilers: Through Season 2, my previous two drabble123 series. 
Summary: Chapter 58.  Food and fluff.

Feedback/comments always appreciated. 
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Don't sue.

Jack can smell something wonderful baking as soon as he steps in the door.

“Mmmm, just what I was craving,” he moans at the sight of Liz in the kitchen with a slew of cupcakes.

“Here,” she chuckles, hands him one.

He ignores the sweet treat entirely, presses Liz up against the counter, remarks, “I wasn’t talking about the cupcake, Lemon,” and kisses her passionately.

After, Liz hops up on the counter, and digs into the still warm cupcake, feeding Jack a few bites.

“How was your day, Mrs. Donaghy?”

“Fine.  Until Isabelle remembered she’s supposed to bring a treat to art class tomorrow.  When did she tell me this?  Oh, right before bed.  When did she find this out?  Last week.”

“Whoops,” Jack laughs.

“Yeah, whoops.  Thanks for the heads up there, sweetie.  So how was your convention, er, conference thingy?”

“Peachy.”  Jack hands her another cupcake for them to share.  “How’s Gracie?”

“Well, there’s about 12 dozen tulips in her room.  And interestingly enough, she swears she never told Lane she likes tulips.  Any idea where he might have heard that?”

Jack takes a huge bite of the cupcake, mumbles, “Nope.”

“Really?  No idea?”

Jack shrugs his shoulders.  Liz smushes part of the cupcake against his mouth.  He just grins and draws her into a chocolate-flavored kiss.

“So, these tulips, did they work?”

“She’s still sort of ticked, but she finally answered the phone when he called.  They talked for awhile.”

“If the bone head blows it again, he’s on his own.”

Liz circles her arms low around his waist.  “It was sweet of you to help him, Jack.”

His lips slowly brush across her cheek.  “Whatever it takes to keep my girls happy.”

“I love you,” she whispers.

Before another deep kiss; “I love you, too.”


Chapter 59 here...

drabble123, jack/liz

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