No need to be depressed about being depressed (up to a point)

Feb 27, 2010 08:54
New York Times take on pills, talk and sadness:
Depressed people think better because they are not distracted by appetite and other desires. Depression creates a bubble in which people can think of what's is bothering them: and then it is a matter of persistence and luck of how productive this process will be. That's why talk therapy appears to be twice more effective than pills with your average modern depressed patient.
The intended side-effect of depression is increased concentration and hence creativity. If you want someone for a creative task, a temporarily cheered depressed person is better than a happy one (other things being equal, which they never are, but that is experimental psychology for you). Depressed people are also less likely to adhere to stereotypes and are more observant of things that happy people ignore. Depressed people also appear to have a clearer picture of the facts and the realities of their situation.
They find no joy in it. Here is a remedy:
Touch and rejoice :)
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