
Nov 20, 2009 10:08


Player Name: Yukeh
Age: 22
Timezone: +8 GMT
Personal Journal: yukitsu
Contact Information:
Instant Messenger: yukitsuyk on AIM and YM. YM is primary.


Name: Doctor John H. Watson
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Book version.
Timeline: March 1894, just before The Empty House. Just before Holmes comes back to life. Holmes has been 'dead' for three years, and his wife for one.

Character Personality: Watson is from the Victorian era and is therefore the epitome of the British Gentleman. He's a kind, honest, straightforward man with a simple personality and plainer wants. It's easy for him to be well-liked for being reliable, though he does not tend to become close to people because of his preference for privacy and a quiet life. He'd been at war before and came out of it a broken man, and the last thing he'd like is too much trifling excitement. Note that adventures like Holmes' mysteries were well-welcomed -- he does not like being bored -- but since his friend's death and his wife following soon after, he has very much led a reclusive life.

As a former military man, Watson tends to be very organized and obsessive about neatness. As a British gentleman, he is unendingly polite and very particular with his manners. As a doctor, he likes being active. Despite these traits, he can be rather lazy with his belongings and lax with his habits. There are days when he wakes up well when the sun is up.

While he's not submissive, Watson is obliging and is content enough to please others, sometimes even at his own expense. He is one who perpetually fills in the shoes of the sidekick, the loyal friend, the one at the sides delegated to helping out the heroes; regardless, this is his role of choosing and nature.

If there is something to do, he will do it, or try to assist in any way he can. It's also very easy to make him give way to authority, and he's hardworking. It's very easy to earn his satisfaction with small things, and his tastes tend to be on the simple side. Apart from that, Watson is really just an ordinary man.

He tends to fuss, but is reasonable and gifted with good judgment. He also has something of a pawky humor. When working, Watson changes from his usual kind, easy going self to a brisk and professional doctor. He has something of a temper (one that does not often manifest itself), and he can be very proud.

Character Abilities: He went to medical school and served in the army. While his credentials and certifications may be questionable, his skill is genuine. He has been in the medical practice for a long time, and has proven himself an excellent doctor/surgeon of his time. The doctor is gifted with very steady hands and a good head on his shoulders, and because of his past experiences (in the army, with Holmes), he is able to remain calm in the face of the unknown and danger.

As a former soldier, he still knows and remembers some of the moves that he had been trained in as a young man. The basics of fighting, some bartitsu, and he's a fairly good shot.

Character Weaknesses: Watson is generally just an average man, unambitious and inclined to complacency. He is also someone from the past, and so is unupdated with technology -- this applies to the scientific field, and while he may have been an excellent medico a century ago, his knowledge is next to useless now.

Watson is also conservative and very traditional. He's somewhat close-minded (though not as close-minded as the others of his time, considering who his former fellow-lodger had been).

Physically, he has been letting his health decline, so while he is not yet at the point of fat or anything of the sort, his stamina is no longer what it was. His muscles are no longer fit, and while still square, is starting to show signs of a soft belly. Coupled with his bad leg (shot when he was in the army), don't expect him to move much. He is fairly old, considering the normal pool of people in Death City.

He is in mourning. His best friend had died three years ago, and his wife not long after.


Why your character should be a Weapon: Watson has always been a tool, whether as a soldier-surgeon of the army or Holmes' biographer and chronicler. He is more inclined to follow, not to lead, and will be happier to be used than to wield.

What is your character's Weapon form?: A swordcane, sans the sheath. The hilt is that of a cane's, and made of wood. The blade is long and thin, but surprisingly resilient.

True to his nature as a doctor, the hilt of his form as a swordcane is capable of speeding up healing and recovery for most ordinary wounds, like cuts, bruises, or fractures when touched with it.


Soul Description: stalwart, loyal, pleasant, steadfast, industrious, warm

Soul Appearance: Dark green circle, small dots for eyes, moustache. There's a soft glow to him, and despite the color, he seems warm.

[ NOTES ] The base used for his icons are of Jude Law in the 2009 Sherlock Holmes film, but my Watson is based off the original books. The PB might change as more material for the other Watson bases appear.

Head canon meme

Souls Eaten: 5


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