Jan 21, 2011 18:01
It's important for me to nurture and heal. It's important for me to learn and subsequently teach. It's important for me to connect and deepen my faith in whatever spiritual belief I have, and not to hide it. It's important for me to pay attention to my dreams, and begin night ritual for clarity and dream journaling (which will become more important in my 30s, or rather, the importance of it will become more apparent then). It's important for me to learn to set personal energetic boundaries. It's important that I pay attention to the forces that influence my thinking and decision-making because I can tend to make giant swings in belief/intention/point of view/mind energy based on external input (from others, from books, from things I learn) without consciously noticing. Keep an eye out for people acting in extremes.
This year,
In the next six weeks or so, I am keeping an eye on my health as I pass over the same space in which I had meningitis as a baby. MidMarch has important dreams, relevant to change, and from midMarch through April, there will be bigger change (maybe just moving to the farm, maybe different) that doesn't work out according to what I have planned right now. June July August are times that are good for getting pregnant or to be mindful in not getting pregnant. By November, my next few years' path will resolve. This is a year of tuning into my masculine/aggressive energy and turning that into communication: asking questions, doing research, writing. Journaling is important so that I can chart progress over time as I trust my intuition when something feels like the right thing to do regardless of whether it's been done that way before or not, especially in a technical way. Check on my mom's health. Connect with my sister on a deeper spiritual level to change/temper the extremity with which she views people. Keep my eyes out for a return of my childhood companions, that herd of imaginary horses. Especially keep aware out in nature out of my peripheral vision.
Communication communication communication. Ask questions. Journal journal journal. Trust myself. Connect.
To look up: Pam Montgomery (plant divas), Findhorn, Michele Small-Wright (flower essences?)