Jan 08, 2006 20:33

I'M GANNA BE AN AUNT!!! How cool is that? I'm excited. My oldest brother Justin's (21) girlfriend Jenni (19) just found out that she is pregnant and i'm super happy! I'm prayin that the pregnancy goes good and this baby comes out in august, healthy...and a girl lol. I swear...gods been workin miracles through out my life so far this new year and its awsome. Most of you dont know...but those of you who're lucky. And on another note, our jv team beat "Swanvalley"...yeah...wednesday and it was the best! If you were there you know, the crowd was crazy. And at our tourney this past saterday, Brekenridge was undefeated, we lost to hemlock and beat 2 or 3 other teams so we got out of our pool. Good stuff. K well thats my begining of the year. Its definately going to be a meraculous one!

Alwayz n 4-ever


N' heres some quotes...

"Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could sleep at night rather keeping awake having to think about your life lifting spirit and beautiful smile or gorgeous eyes that made mine meet yours. Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I wouldn’t have to think of how hard it is, knowing that I may never see you again. And even though sometimes I wish I had never met you…I laugh at myself, knowing that if I had never met you, I still wouldn’t have ever had the chance to miss the greatest guy I’ve ever met.

Do you ever sit and think.... What if? What if you never said that first hello? What if your paths never crossed? What if you kept your mouth shut and just let things pass, or what if you would have said just one more thing? What if you could turn back time or make it all just stand still? What if you could say I’ll miss you one more time or never had said it at all? Where would your life be? Better, Worse, Less confused, More confused, Sadder, Happier?? What if you never got to see his smile and feel his soft touch. What if you didn’t miss him..what would you be doing? Do you still sit and think like i do consistently...what if??? Or wonder if he's ever thought "what if" too, or thought about you just once? I wonder all the time...where would i be right at this moment if the greatest guy I’ve ever met; wouldn’t have changed my destiny. And yet, I still wonder what if and wish I had 1 more day with him.

As I sit awake and in the middle of the night,

I'm thinking of all the things I should have said before you left,

and maybe, just maybe, you'd still be here.

In your life you meet people. Some you never thing about again. Some you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again, but you do because some of those people changed your life in ways you cannot describe. Sometimes you wish you wouldn’t have met that amazing guy that you may never see again because then you wouldn’t have to lay awake at night wondering if he's thinking about you too.
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