Blah, blah, blah....

Apr 03, 2013 00:45

I've grown into a body a perpetual soreness. My body isn't what's slowing me down though. It my mind. So many thoughts and ideas cross through my mind but I just do not know how to share them so I can see how others react to them. While working on these ideas I need to fight off my ADD from making me fly to the other idea.

When I do get going my time is stopped because I do have to sleep and if I don't work I can't pay the bills or feed my wife and myself. Wish my job was just to creat ideas and put them together. Lots of people already do so but I have no idea how to get that started and I'm too stubborn to want to start off doing crappy things first.

Guess I'm my own worse enemy. How cliche.

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